- Bitcoin Valuation Fundamentals
- short opinion piece on EVM langs
- The Quest for a Stable Coin
- great comments by Nader
- Phil Wadler on Simplicity (Blockstream) and Michelson (Tezos)
- Automatic FlameGraph generation from JMH Benchmarks
- yay
- Another SSL attack: ROBOT
- reddit threads on BTC futures
- re: PoW energy consumption (in light of recent outcry by the SJW/subsistence farming community):
- some realtalk on bloomberg
- some actual numbers on
- that said, I am very much looking forward to Chia
- some fun notes on the interstellar object NASA spotted a few weeks ago
- Your Friends at Parity are calling for a hard fork
- Anon giving away 5000 BTC to charity
- A case against net neutrality
- Smith + Crown’s Industry and Sector Classification
- Wired story on the Mirai botnet trial