- NetEase launches CryptoKitties clone
- BTC wallets also buggy
- Electrum devs don't know how to computer
- China Moves to Ban Bitcoin Mining
- OFFICIAL: No Cryptocurrency Trading Ban in South Korea, Government Says
- Building for the Blockchain
- CryptoZombies
- interactive smart contract tutorial
- Our Process for Evaluating New Tokens
- Skin-in-the-Game Coins
- Eth performance
- I’m harvesting credit card numbers and passwords from your site. Here’s how.
- Good Spectre/Meltdown overview
- spectre and the end of langsec
- Attack of the Week: Group Messaging in WhatsApp and Signal
- good thread on the history of side-channel attacks
Distributed Systems
- Epic Games has some graphs showing the performance impact of initial Spectre/Meltdown patches
- What a difference a JVM makes?
- good read if you're programming JVMs
- Introduction to reverse engineering and Assembly
- Quantitative Analysis of Smart Contracts
- promising foray into static analysis of smart contracts