in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)


“Our rapidly moving, information-based society badly needs people who know how to find facts rather than memorize them, and who know how to cope with change in creative ways. You don’t learn those things in school.” – Wendy Priesnitz
The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don't know how to be submissive, and so on -- because they're dysfunctional to the institutions.
– Noam Chomsky

The Educational system which supposedly should be responsible enacting change has on its own not accepted change. It has remained as it was since inception which is seemingly during the ancient Greece and ancient Rome.
‎Sitting steadily for almost 8 hours listening to some man or some woman who doesn't care about what you understand as long as he gets his paycheck is evil. Need i remind you that whatever he gets rewarded with is independent of his performance of his students, whether they fail or not. This is full and complete unfair malpractice beyond all reasonable doubt. Some go as far as failing students if the students fail to bribe them. This is inhumane.

‎There are some teachers who are unlike the rest. Having true concern for their students and would like to monitor, analyze and even encourage the student's progress from anywhere at anytime. Conversely there are teachers who students would like to reward for their commitment and effort they put in making them understand a particular concept.
‎The blockchain technology is an incorruptible one. It completely solves the problem of manipulations in records. What is recorded is actually what is.
‎Applying such a technology to the educational system could revolutionize it and help bring about the following innovations;


Freedom of Thought

"Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results" - John Dewey

Students are usually restricted in their thoughts mostly by curriculum which most times do not completely cover an entire concept, hindering the productivity and creativity of students.
‎A program called Self Organized Learning Environment which is an approach to provide self-directed education has discovered that students are often smarter than we think.instead of providing lectures or spoon-feeding information to the students, it is better to ask "engaging, provocative questions" and let them work out the answers. One of the major problem has been the authenticity of the statistics gotten from the child's self-engagement in this education method.
‎With the Blockchain technology which solves the problem of manipulations, the back end data analyst and monitors can be sure that the data gotten from the students are sure!

Cuffing of Teachers and students abuse.

In the traditional educational system both teachers and students are treated unfairly because of the ambiguity of transactions or even grades.
‎One can imagine a scenario where the school's administration pay lesser salaries than they are supposed to or worst refuse to pay at all even after they have discharge their duties. Being a student myself, it is not difficult imagine how the administration also fleece the students of their money by the introduction of unnecessary fees which may not even be used for its due purpose.

‎ It is also not difficult to picture teachers or lectures asking the students to pay more than expected for a particular text material or even the malpractice in grading a students work. Basing these transactions on the Blockchain technology coupled with its visibility and incorruptibility, these transactions can hardly be manipulated unnecessarily helping both students and teachers alike. Fees paid can and will be monitored to make sure the right amount of fees are paid, there are no fleecing of students and that they are used for premeditated reasons.

Teachers and Students Rewards

‎The idea of getting monetary rewards for created articles and commenting is a revolutionary one. The Traditional currency failed to do this or be adapted to this. This concept has helped a lot of steemians develop their potentials of authoring and curating even when they thought they could not do this before. Now imagine students being rewarded monetarily for good performances in classworks, Homeworks, Continous assesments and examinations or even their Attitude and behavior in class. Imagine also teachers getting extra monetary rewards for their extra input and extra efforts. The teacher's class of students become the judge of the perceived efforts which gives the students a sense belonging and authority perhaps.

What a revolution it would be!.

‎A lot of persons would go back to school and perform even better, both in attitude and academics because somehow monetary rewards brings with it an unprecedented motivation. Of course teachers and students alike would desire to hack the system, well this is where the blockchain technology proves its worth - its "Unhackability".


Merging the Educational system into the blockchain technology which allows the students to learn, get assesed and get rewarded at their own pace. Students then may not really be confined to the four walls of a room or a curriculum but are left to their knowledge, experience and intuition to solve problems with. Students can learn anywhere, at anytime. Teachers can teach anywhere, at anytime.

The beauty of this will be; Although flexible it will be unbreakable.

Thanks for reading;

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I hope a blockchain developer sees this and enact it!....THANKS

Can't wait to see this future.
Badass teaches can make badass salaries.
Society as a whole will improve in so many ways!

I now think of ways to reward people for their good deeds!
Cuz i feel this way is more efficient compared to coercing people by brutality...LOL

Haha agreed my friend!


Nice post!!
Yeah replacing salaries, funds in educational institutions in to monetary rewards would definitely produce more perceived value for teaching efforts and research. Immutability as you discussed is also very useful. But we are many technological developments away from actually deploying such an Decentralized Autonomous Organization, also nonetheless we should be talking about potential benefits and drawbacks like this.

Because only when we talk about them
Only then can we find a way to implement them!