Day 13. Today I looked at the mirror and I had a vagina.
Now that I remember... They advised me that I should not open new tickets because if I did, they would most likely add me to the spam list, so I would not be able to receive the confirmation email to finally achieve my lumens. However, my current tickets are not read either. Which makes me think about gravity: It does not matter how much I shine. Everything I send is systematically reduced to nothing. I imagined myself being Paula and serving coffees to the big fishes.
I took care to check the reputation that had in google according to some reputable pages destined to evaluate the traffic in the network. I found a wonderful website where they tell you if a page is scam or not.
And it does not look very reliable, really. If I were Paula, I would not be too proud to walk around serving coffees to these guys.
Luckily, it's one day less left to they finally conclude the airdrop and I can finally file my criminal complaint against But it feels weird. As if everyone was crazy, except me.