Trading cryptocurrencies are primarily done on crypto exchanges, they give new projects exposure to new individuals and investors, and it deserves to be given a decent level of focus in the industry. Though it has gotten a remarkable amount of positive attention over the years, I still do not agree that it has gotten enough yet as much hasn't been done as regards safety of customer's assets on many trading platforms today, as funds of users deserve to be given as much focus and priority as they can get.
And tackling this problem is exactly what an awesome trading platform, called probit is out to do, the innovative exchange acknowledges the need for an optimally secured exchange platform, and considering that no trader will take the avoidable risk of trading on a Crypto exchange with very porous security measures in place, the exchange has ensured that everything that concerns security on her Platform is perfected with zero chances of a possible leak.
Storing funds in a cold wallet: unlike what's obtainable on most exchanges out there, nearly 95% of all funds on this security cautious trading platform are saved on an optimally secured wallet, different from the exchange's internal wallet. This wallet has no connection whatsoever to the internet, so therefore the safety of every fund stored on it is optimally secured. In addition to this, private data of it's customers are encrypted using very sophisticated algorithm, making sure their private info are not leaked to the general public, or fall into wrong hands .
Storing a reasonable amount of user's funds in an external wallet does not stop customers from from trading or transacting as usual on the exchange, it only prevents attention of bad actors as attempting to hack the system will only yield very little or nothing at all.
Hard ware security keys: in an attempt to provide an extra feature of unrivaled safety, this phenomenal trading platform introduced the 2-factor hardware security key to it's platform, this feature requires not just the user's login details to login to the exchange account, but also requires a physical object that only the account owner possesses. So having access to one's login details, does not guarantee access to his exchange account on the probit platform, since the login credentials together with the hardware are required for a successful login.
The hardware enabled 2FA feature on the probit exchange does not prevent the usage of the software based 2-factor authentication, such as the Google authentication for instance, both can be easily combined to provide a very formidable and secured system.
Additional features to enhance security: the probit trading platform is structured in such a way that a log out session is being triggered each time a user becomes inactive on his account after a specific period of time. This helps to ensure that account holders are only logged in to their trading accounts when they are actively trading or performing any transaction on it.
Another feature worthy of note about this trading Platform is the installation of the secured socket layer evident by the https always on display at the start of the site's url whenever one logs into his/her account. The usefulness of this added security feature is to ensure that every activity on the platform remains between just the user and the platform's administrators, making it impossible for hackers and malicious individuals to get a clue about user's activities and account information.
The probit exchange giving special focus to security offers them and her users a tremendous advantage as most exchanges of today are seriously lacking in that, which has made a lot of investors skeptical about using them. The exchange is out to ensure that customer's assets are safe at all time even in the event of an unlikely hack, given that most of its customer's funds are secured in a separate and well secured external wallet. Think about security, think probit.
About PROB Token:
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