I do finding business model from blockchain, then proof that blockchain business model works or not chowin21 . b-25.org my name is lion**
Purpose : Introduce Korea Blockchain Community
Goal: Helping make bridge korea blockchain market.

[Image from TES]
_ abstract : Where I can show my project officially for investing.
In my case, I really don’t have information where I show my project officially in vietnam. I think you who are in Vietnamese should be same with me.
When you want to find investor at Korea, or looking for Korea hot blockchain company at Korea.
For example, As investor, If you find Icon project as fast mover. You could get quite good profit.
As developer, if you show your project at korea, you could get interesting from many people.
So Now, I will describe about korea blockchain community for investor and developer.
_TES : No1 community for blockchain now days as public.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000994206717056/ ( 토큰 이코노미 분석 모임(TES: Token Economy Studygroup) )
-Why they are No1 in Korea now.
Just say keyword as below
Naver Blockchain Company https://linepluscorp.com/pr/news/ko/2018/2125
ICON x Naver = Unchain : https://www.coindeskkorea.com/%EB%84%A4%EC%9D%B4%EB%B2%84-%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8-%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EC%BD%98-%EB%B8%94%EB%A1%9D%EC%B2%B4%EC%9D%B8-jv-%EC%96%B8%EC%B2%B4%EC%9D%B8-%EC%84%A4%EB%A6%BD/
10years over investor, https://thevc.kr/CognitiveInvestment
Public investor video channel ( https://www.youtube.com/user/dareinvest )
Public Blockchain token economy education https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70aaNLIi5Er-ZmKBPL2-Xw
Blockchain Marketing Company https://www.rocketpunch.com/companies/ad4th
Educated by hiring Project http://www.fastcampus.co.kr/dev_school_bes/
-What they do
dApp every week (month) demo-day
-Seoul University* Blockchain Research Group https://www.facebook.com/decipher.ac/
*One of Top class university in Korea.
-Hashed https://www.hashed.com/
-HashedLounge https://www.meetup.com/HashedLounge/
Offline biggest meetup for investor and developer
-ICON foundation https://icon.foundation/
-ChainPartners http://chain.partners/
-Studio Decentral, Public blockchain education and broadcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsH44G5T4hHXYrb1aGUB1Gw
-No1 is TES
-To get invest ? , Contact Hashed or contact platform coin company.
-To find hot blockchain company ? , Goto “Decipher”
-TES https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000994206717056
-Hashed https://www.hashed.com/
-Decipher https://www.facebook.com/decipher.ac/
_Type Of article: #businessmodel
Growing up so fast at blockchain plus industry 4.0, but lack of human resource at local like korea. So I came in vietnam to find and matching comapny to human, human to company.
When matching is good, good product, well made product will be generated. I am doing make human resource Silkroad, I call that “techroad” , technology road do decentralize country flag, if you have good skill you can make competitive product as well.
#techroad #chaineers