How Code of Talent is using the Blockchain to change the way people learn?

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

Code of Talent ( is the world’s first blockchain powered micro-learning platform aiming to change the way people learn. But is micro-learning really working? And why is the blockchain needed?

It’s quite obvious that today’s learning methods are not very good since less than 10% of people paying for online courses actually complete those courses. This means that although e-learning is a huge industry, poised to reach 325 Billions in 2025, it is not working. It’s not acceptable that less than 10% of your clients get what they wanted — develop a skill set or acquire a specific knowledge.


The Code of Talent platform already has a working MVP with paying clients (JTI, Societe Generale, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Bosch, Coca-Cola etc) and based on that developed metrics that show significant improvements when using micro-learning compared to e-learning. For example, completion rates among Code of Talent learners is 90% and engagement and interactivity are 5 times higher.

Thus we know micro-learning is delivering results: 10 minutes per day, direct interaction with the teacher and small groups of learners. So, what is the blockchain needed for? The team’s vision is to develop not only a good product and platform, but an entire global ecosystem, with a sustainable token economics, where anyone can be a teacher or a student and get paid for it.

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Code of Talent uses Ethereum ERC20 rewarding system so that students are paid to learn — they get token incentives as they pass specific micro-learning milestones. Teachers are also rewarded based on how good their content is, how interactive the micro-learning sessions are and based on their student completion rates. Teacher’s rewards depends on their ratings and more than that, once they reach a certain level of quality and community appreciation they will be eligible as premium content providers, a status that can significantly improve the revenues they get.

The blockchain is also used to store the accomplishments of students and teachers. The platform takes advantage of blockchain’s immutability and thus makes sure that the track of records is securely stored and accessible by employers in search of talented candidates. Recruitment of talent is a big industry and Code of Talent provides companies everywhere with the ability to directly search skills and performance instead of flashy CVs.

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Code of Talent will have a sustainable token economy, with 3rd parties such as advertisers, sponsors, employers and premium content providers — generating transactions, paying for subscriptions (employers and advertisers) and spending CODE tokens in the platform. This is why the platform has several revenue streams. The token rewarding pool will receive 60% of the revenues, making sure that the ecosystem continues to develop attracting more students and teachers.

The platform uses its own CODE token in order to make sure it’s properly funded and able to develop the blockchain capabilities according to the roadmap. In the same time, it is important that the token used in this learning ecosystem is segregated from Ethereum’s agenda and has its own life and evolution, based on Code of Talent’s community — a community of learners and educators interested in the development of knowledge and skills.





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