in blockchain •  6 years ago 



Trust is the key element in the functioning of a society and an economy. Only trust allows a person to have relationships or do business with other people, and until now the greatest way for doing business between people creating companies and that’s how income and wealth is created. A clear proof of the value of trust is that today billions of dollars of transactions are made daily in the world by telephone or by computer, receiving only book entries as backup.

Trust can be personal, when a person believes and trusts in himself, which allows him to take initiatives and risks. It can be interpersonal, when you trust other people, which allows you to have friends, participate in organizations and associations, belong to civil society and create companies. Finally, it can be impersonal or institutional, which allows the rules, contracts, private property and other basic rights of a country to be respected and its economy to function efficiently by entrusting its citizens with the equity, impartiality and efficiency of the political institutions, social and economic activities created by them.

Today, in a globalized world, trust is even more important, since it is what has allowed the growing international division ownership, in which each part or process of a buying or renting properties or a service occurs in different countries and is exchanged globally, resulting in a global economic progress unknown until recently.

These beliefs that generate confidence or distrust are decisive in economic cycles, since they can accelerate and exaggerate their boom phases or recessive phases.

The only successful way to have a global renting economy has been through companies that provide trust between the parties involved.

Now with the blockchain all is going to change thanks to its ability to give everyone a faster, safer way to verify key information and establish trust.

Rento will revolutionize the way renting is done in the 15 billion market of the sharing economy. Knowing that 34% purchases were made using a smartphone un the last 5 years. Rento is and app that provides business and property owners the ability to offer rentals to their costumers now using the blockchain and enabling a transparent and secure way to do exchanges.

For more information you can visit the Rento Facebook Page

or if you are interested you can join the new Rento Airdrop and get some free Rento tokens.

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