We almost got used to a market going sideway - but the 14th ended DDD (double digit down).

Destroying a belief many people started to have: volatility getting out of the market and the market at a new bottom created only one possibility: from here straight up. Well - the opposite seems to have happened overnight. The pressure is on the Hodlrs.
Diehards will ignore the rates against the USD and keep trading pairs to increase individual digital assets. That makes sense only if you believe the market will go up again. Cryptmove goes from that scenario. Hard to sell on days like this! But then again - we are not selling it, not advising it - just believing it on the basis of fundamentals and long term expectations.

Meanwhile we watched some interviews related to AI. Also one with Robert Work (former high ranking defense specialist). Most inventions come out of the military, for the simple reason that is where the money is. Autonomous machines have increased their skills at a frightening pace. Robert Work remarks that ethical, moral and democratic debate and procedures will keep a human at the wheel, but is ready to admit that in the wrong hands that human is technically not needed.
We repeat what we said in our previous post on AI: in the end machines will make decisions about machines.
Today, the 15th of November, is a good day to browse trough all the explanations why the market crashed yesterday. Most of these explanations will not do. Our question is more focussed on who let it crash. Do we see algorithms at work or is it a human phenomenon. Funny coincidence(?): it is the day of the hard fork, the Hashwar of SV against ABC. Craig Wright was extremely belligerent running up to this, even threatening to blow up the market and some exchanges. Some will surely come up with the explanation he made it all happen.
We don't know. We just support the gloating again, keep the stiff upper lip and go on. Because it moves.
<br /><center><hr/><em>Posted from my blog with <a href='https://wordpress.org/plugins/steempress/'>SteemPress</a> : https://cryptmove.com/blog/2018/11/15/boom-the-ddd-day-is-back/ </em><hr/></center>