the internet as of today has become very centralized by social media networks and amazon and google . harvesting your data and basically doing whatever they desire with it. Well that's why unexceptable in my eyes and way to many people that use these services are oblivious to this fact. With the emergence of distributed ledger technology and digital currencies we all control our wealth and data. many of the centralized services on the internet today will become decentralized u will be able to be incentivized for a lot of your contributions and activities you do on on decentralized services. im mostly excited for decentralized exchanges and fiat gateways everywhere because a lot of people are finally waking up to the fact that fiat currencies are garbage. But furthermore just like third party services (middleman), central banks,and debt based money are sure to become irrelevant. People and organizations will move to DLT for so many use cases and but importantly because everything is distributed and open source .Not controlled by one manipulative actor but tons of people that make up each network. I and most others in this space and on this platform know the implications this technology is having on the future , As a recently turned anarchist/libertarian I could not be more happy about this kind of future. We all desire economic freedom to live the way u chose without government intervention. Blockchain tech and digital currencies are in my view the grestest gift/invention of mankind. This shall truly benefit every single person on this planet because power, control, wealth, and opportunities will become more easily acheviable because it will diminish away from the powers that be in manipulative central banks and criminal organizations like the irs .we should be able to control you life in a way u never thought was possible.
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