A few weeks ago, a very interesting thing happened. The BORA development team launched BORA Lagoon, which is the testnet of the BORA Island. It is a environment where users can check the development process and work together with our developers to improve our project. BORA Lagoon features three prototypes users can interact with. These prototypes are: BORA test ground, BORA explorer and the BORA toolkit. However, before I will discuss these interesting features, lets first take a look at what BORA tries to accomplish.
The BORA project explained
Currently the content industry is facing a lot of challenges. Take for instance the issue of copyright protection. Within our modern digital world, it becomes harder for content provider to protect their own work. Music, videogames, articles, etc are more often than not pirated or copied, without compensating or even properly crediting the original creator. Similarly, creating scarcity of digital content is almost impossible. For instance, let’s look at the following example. Imagine that you have written a short novel and you only want to distribute 100 copies of your story through digital media; how would you even try to this in our current digital environment? Well this is were blockchain technology can play a crucial role. Using blockchain, combined with smart contract technology, it becomes possible to attach a unique identifier to each copy and set-up a contract that allows that copy to be shared only once.
At first glance, blockchain technology may look daunting to newcomers in the space and this is were BORA comes in. BORA aims to create a decentralized platform that makes it easy for content providers to enter the blockchain ecosystem. As mentioned earlier, a lack of technical understanding and the high costs of development, has resulted in many content providers missing out on the advantages that the blockchain ecosystem has to offer. BORA’s platform will be called BORA Island and is set to be launched in the second quarter of 2019. BORA Island can be considered as a scalable high-performance blockchain, that adopts a side chain connected through the Ethereum network. Although the launch of BORA Island is still roughly 6 months in the future. The development has already launched its testnet, BORA Lagoon.
BORA Lagoon
BORA Lagoon is BORA’s testnet and allows content providers to test and verify their content and also work together with the BORA development team to advance the BORA project. BORA Lagoon will act as a communication layer between content providers and developers, whilst the BORA team continues to develop the BORA Island platform.
BORA Lagoon consists of the following three prototypes that users can fully interact with:
BORA Test Ground: This is the place where users can test the various functionalities of the BORA platform. For instance, users can: perform token transactions, do wallet management and exchange tokens to be used in the BORA Island ecosystem.
BORA Explorer: The explorer enables users to look-up the transaction information that is recorded in the BORA chain during the development and testing phase.
BORA Toolkit: This is the location where developers/content providers can access the platform interoperability-related REST APIs that can be used for testing purposes on the BORA Lagoon testnet.
Concluding remarks
After playing around with BORA Lagoon (they literally have a fun and addictive game on their testnet 😊), I was quite pleased. I found it very easy to transfer BORA tokens within BORA Lagoon’s ecosystem. Also, the BORA explorer was easy to use and performed the way it should perform. I think it is also interesting that BORA invites everyone to test their platform, trying to involve the community by valuing their input and together advance the performance/user-friendliness of both BORA Lagoon and ultimately BORA Island.
If you want to check out BORA Lagoon’s test-ground yourself, go ahead and click on this link: https://testnet.bora-lagoon.com/portal/. There you can request test tokens to discover and test the above-mentioned features of BORA Lagoon.
Official channels
For more information about BORA:
Website: https://www.boraecosystem.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/boraecosystem
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bora_ecosystem
Medium: https://medium.com/@BORA_Ecosystem
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BoraEcosystem/
Disclaimer: This article is not intended as investment advice. It is just my personal opinion about BORA. You should always do your own research #DYOR. BORA incentivizes me for writing this article and encourages me to express my own opinions.
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