Crypto Currency are the virtual currency which are not visible that is for public for investment purpose. Most of the investors can use these crypto-currencies as assets by different ways. Some of the crypto-currencies are used as an tool of investment to transferring or send the money or funds from any part of the world which is not possible by using fiat currency.
The Crypto Currencies are decentralized by nature and it also the ideal tool to receive huge income at every time. Now a days crypto currencies is become World’s accepted investment tool because of the innovative features which is offers by crypto-currency for its worldwide participant or investor. There are some features which is offered by crypto-currency are as follows;
First, Crypto-currency provide simple procedure for money transfer to any side of the world, without physically visit to the banks or other money transfer exchanges.
Second, Crypto Currencies will put charges just a small fraction of the transaction value which is from 0.25 % to 5% only. These features didn’t ever provide by Fiat Currency.
Third, Crypto Currencies provide most trusted & safe, reliable platform to its investor for making transactions. The popular examples of Crypto-Currency are BTC, Doge Coin, Litecoin, Dash, Eth & other Alt coins.
Due Coin Overview
Duecoin currency is fully blockchain-based cryptocurrency which having a main purpose to beat and understood fake aspects inside the corporations, national banks and the other available crypto-currencies. The platform of Duecoin will believe that everyone will to have the power to start the various exchanges which are totally protected and anonymous. Duecoin have a propose of being the worlds first secured 2-hop blockchain by combine the proof-of-work and proof-of stake both mechanisms toghether.
The Duecoins mining will continue through using POW to give the power for the honest miners, through the medium of processing assets for protecting the transactions on blockchain, for this specific point Duecoin will developed the advance procedure to follow the phase of advancement by utilizing the more efficiency of the POS for allowing in the various exchanges.
DUECOIN cryptocurrency is an peer-to-peer advance Cryptocurrency which enables every investor an instant payments, and almost-zero cost payments from any place to anywhere in the world. Duecoin currency is a decentralized and very advance digital currency which said that there is no any regulatory central authority to rule you. Also the self-esteem of the investors fund will be managed by the demand and Supply laws in Crypto market.
On Duecoin platform the particular code protects the system and guided the participant to control their own particular investment. Duecoin platform is too much secured than the conventional methods and because of its total affirmation. Duecoin is always will stay decentralized totally, providing an unique solution over the structures related to general cash and diffrent cryptographic sorts of cash considering value of exchange, price, protection, establishment, and other external forces.
Here are some important points of Duecoin
» Duecoins platform will perform in a 4-minute block time== 1,200 coins mined per block, for each 280,000
» Total lifetime cap of Duecoins platform==840,000,000
» Duecoin use of the cryptographic hash to work SHA256==Most secure encryption hashes
» Half-presence of mined== Navigate for 45.4 months.
Key Factors Of DueCoin
Duecoin will perform the various features such as fast money transfer, applying the lower charges. Due coin platform will also added and gives some other extra beneficial and profitable features for its fund investors. Some key factor are as follows;
1 .Transaction speed is very high.
2 .Give effective Solution to cost.
3 .Provide extra secure Crypto Currency platform.
4 .Fully Decentralized Platform.
The Cycle of Duecoin
Through the starting point of Duecoin platform development Duecoin wish to provide obtaining power like no other coin will facilitate.
• Duecoin platform will works by using open-source crypto base applications which gives a surety to provide a mining pool on one’s request.
• After possessed, Duecoin will be the only of a handful coins with real practical market which prepared the exchanges. Duecoin team of experts was charging overabundance endeavors behind the proof of spots to buy/offer the Duecoins in the ordinary commercial centers from all over the globe.
• Duecoin has been specially made up for performing main part as regardless of anything to showcasing noticeably from all acknowledged money and favored cryptographic money which is most beneficial to others.
DueCoin Teams Future Plans and DueCoin RoadMap for FY 2017- 2018
Now Duecoin platform will be soon release its PreICO stage. DUECoin is fully decentralized platform and technically advance by ownership wise also. The team was already in contact with several exchanges & retailers. Below is Duecoin road map and future strategy;
Transacting With Duecoin
Duecoin platform gives an extra instant way for viably execute the money transfer from the beginning with one place to the other. With Duecoin platform every investor can easily send Duecoin to their desire destination or the other person.
Duecoin platform now also help you if you want to purchase something eagerly from the web and on the other hand from the retail store then with Duecoin you can bought your desired items on the web, because Duecoins platform will be perceived as an instant payment procedure.
If anyone of you considering the Duecoin platform for long-term investment then get your Duecoins as early as possible yield which provide considerable long term power purchasing.
Due Coin platform also facilitate the extra feature that is mining of Due Coin which other ICO coins doesn’t even offers, because most of them are centralized platforms. But this mining feature makes DueCoin platform decentralized. The open mining pool information is mentioned below;
Username==Your Duecoin Address. To received your DUECoin address you have to first download the Due coin wallet from official Duecoin website.
Password==As Per Your Choice.
Pre-sale Of Duecoin
•There will be totally 5 pre-sale stages of Duecoin platform. The Duecoin pre-sale campaign will be organized five flash pre-sale activities and each of them will stay open for a only a limited period of time span which is up to maximum period of twelve hours.
•Rather than about 5% pre-mined Of that pre-mined coins, there is a maximum threshold of about 0.6% will be kept by the initial participants of the project, and the other remaining about 4.4% remaining will be disbursed in the different pre-sale stages.
•Should you be very interested to buy Duecoin or to invest in Duecoin, then for buying the Duecoins in the pre-sale of Duecoins platform will be easy by using the Bitcoin, and other crypto-currencies on the platform and If you want to know more information about Duecoin then contact the team of Duecoint .
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nice one
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