VOL.22 CYBEX Biweekly Report

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

2018.07.16–07.29 Biweekly Overview

Realized the compatibility with VET;
Enabled memo writing when withdraw EOS;
Development environment has been deployed and ETO launched;
RHOC、PPT are listed on CYBEX;
On July 19th, CYBEX founded Global Blockchain Technology Institute and co-founded CYBEX-Kiev Cryptography Research Lab with Kiev University.
Deepened cooperation with overseas vertical media, reached cooperation with Newsbtc, Btcmanager,Yahoo Finance and in-depth report of ETO’s first project Genesis Space;
The official website has been updated on July 20th. Apart from including the first ETO project-Genesis Space, the digital currency asset info has also been updated in Chinese and English in the backend. The whole style and the design of partial details are highly regarded.

#Research Progress #

1.CYBEX BlockChain
Implemented the reconstruction of node p2p multi-linear parallel: make sure p2p transaction runs smoothly under high loading and enhance the whole system’s transaction volume. Currently stable transaction volume can reach 600TPS and the peak is 1200TPS in AWS pressure test environment.
Solved the incompatibilty between MACOS system and docker container network;
Design and develop cybex bitshare transaction database and 20% finished;
Go through nodes pressure test and optimize
Completed the interface writing of iphone query gateway and decryption of memo.

  1. Web frontend
    Adjust Web end initiation strategy and level up the loading of front page after web page upgrade;
    Upgrade React routing engine and further split compiling packages to optimize loading speed;
    Adjust ETO related pages;
    Add check of Web end when opening Wechat.

3.Web end
1)Fixed bugs in the test of jira and the ones reflected by users;
2)Completed the development of transaction in Version 1.3.0

Completed the compiling of 1.3.0 test case in CYBEX APP;
Finished the test of ETO and launched.

  1. Jadepool
    Realized the compatibility with VET;
    Enabled memo writing when withdraw EOS;
    ADMIN management platform supported the setup version management;
    ADMIN management platform added the new function of adding/modifying/disabling new tokens.
    Optimized the role persmission management of ADMIN management platform.

  2. ETO
    Deployed the development environment and launched ETO;
    Finished the test of basic functions;
    Started safety and perfomance tests;
    Enough users registered for ETO.

  3. RTE
    The prototype of RTE was developed and put into test;
    Upgraded the existing nodes of CYBEX and tested with the implementation of RTE;
    Preliminary test finished: the TPS of Chinese test nodes averages at around 600;
    The communications CQ prototype between different models finished dvelopment;
    Developed the Gateway prototype in direct connection with RTE.

  4. Miscellaneous
    Listed RHOC and PPT.

#Marketing Proposal#

1.On Jul 19, CYBEX established Global Blockchain Research Institute and CYBEX-Kiev Cryptography Research Lab with Kiev University.


  1. CYBEX deepened the cooperation with overseas vertical media, delivering comprehensive coverage of ETO on Newsbtc, Btcmanager, Yahoo Finance, etc.
    屏幕快照 2018-07-23 下午11.20.38.png

  2. The contributions solicitation campaign on Bihu and Biche received more than 50 articles in just 1 day.

  3. The official account of ETO is intensively followed by more than 10,000 people in less than 1 week.

#Operational Progress#

1.To embrace the advent of ETO, CYBEX generalized the concept of ETO on 3 platforms including WeChat, Weibo (Twitter’s Chinese counterpart) and Twitter from Jul 17 to Jul 19, and gave away 100,000 CYB to users. The campaign enjoyed great effects and met the expectation.

  1. The new version of the official website of CYBEX launched on Jul 20, adding the first ETO project, namely Genesis Space to the ETO zone, meanwhile updating bilingually all information of cryptocurrencies on CYBEX. On the other hand, the new webiste is positively appraised as to overall style and detailed designs.
    屏幕快照 2018-07-31 下午2.37.36.png

  2. CYBEX pushed forward a campaign jointly with Delphy of “Anticipating How Long Will It Take to Complete the ETO of Genesis Space and Win CYB and DPY” and saw massive participations.0 (3).jpeg

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