in blockchain •  7 years ago 

2018.08.13–08.26 Biweekly Summary

● Cybex app 1.4.0 was tested then released;

● On Aug 18, HERDIUS, the second ETO project on CYBEX, had its quota fully subscribed within just 54 seconds.

● On Aug 22, all rewards generated during Herdius ETO were given away

#Research Progress#

1.Web Front-end

● In advanced mode of the trading platform, almost every transactions now support multi-signature propposals;

● Users can view Tx# of the deposit/withdraw orders and directly jump to Etherscan by clicking it.


● CYBEX app 1.4.0 went through tests then released. A new function — address management — was enabled. Click to download the latest version through the link below: iOS: https://fir.im/cybexdex
Android: https://fir.im/cybex


● Technically supported the ETO of Herdius, the 2nd ETO project.

#Marketing Progress#

● On Aug 18, Herdius, the second ETO project on CYBEX, had its quota fully subscribed within 54 seconds. Meanwhile, ETO-HERDIUS community boasted 10821 organic members; Daily Active Rate averaged at 40.6%; back-end received 182753 comments. There were more than 3000 UGCs(User Generated Contents) on Weibo, Bihu and YouTube. CYBEX further helped Herdius promote in many countries and regions in North America, Europe and South-east Asia, establishing a rather active overseas community.
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● Deepened the cooperation with overseas vertical media outlets, cooperating in the coverage of ETO and HERDIUS made by Newsbtc, BTCmanager and Yahoo Finance.

● James Gong published ETO — Stay True to Your Heart and Move on in review of the Phase1 of ETO. Apart from that, ETO was covered in depth by a senior We-media outlet — Blue-Fox Note and discussed in 50+ articles published on Bihu and Biche within 1 day.

#Operational Progress#

● Following the success of Herdius ETO, 6 events during the ETO period have given away all rewards.

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