The brave new world of AI, when is it coming to the blockchain?

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

AI is a hot topic in Silicon Valley. Blockchain is a hot topic in Silicon Valley. The hot topic for me is the ultimate synergy between blockchain and AI. Projects like iExec, like Tauchain, attempt to bring AI and decentralizaton together. AI is one way to make this whole space truly profitable but in order for the majority of people to reap the benefits requires a strategic decision to promote mainstream adoption of crypto-tech.

Mainstream adoption requires legitimacy. Legitimacy is a result of reputation. Legal compliance is a means of maintaining reputation and acquiring legitimacy, as a means to an end. When large American companies operate overseas in countries like China or Japan they must comply with the local laws. Developers in cryptospace must also comply with the local laws else they can be arrested, and AI itself ultimately will come in two main forms.

Legitimate vs illegitimate bots

  • The legitimate AI will likely be the AI which complies with the legal regulations of local and national jurisdictions which they interact with. These AI will seek to maintain very good reputations and will be very governable.

  • The illegitimate AI will be the AI which only complies with the will if it's creators and these creators might not give a damn about local or national government, or the law.

Both of these AI will be profitable but the illegitimate AI will slow the adoption rate of legitimate decentralized AI and encourage the centralization of AI. It is likely that the illegitimate AI will be abused, will be weaponized, will hurt, exploit, manipulate, and harm human beings, and the question will be whether or not to hard fork in order to stop it. I would suggest that the ethical thing to do is to build the "kill switch" into every blockchain allowing a community to as a last resort shut down any decentralized app running on it's collective computer. Unstoppable apps in my opinion is a BAD IDEA which leads directly to Skynet.

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AI+Blockchain is the future!

It's actually the present. iExec released their API recently.

so doomsday is near? :)

@dana-edwards we are living in exciting times. I don't think we can comprehend the changes that are awaiting us

I think the idea of combining the two really needs to be investigated a lot more, because the largest bottleneck for AI is usually the computational power available to do a huge neural net of many layers. Well guess who has a ton of computational capacity just laying around waiting to do something useful? Yea, it's blockchain and the absurd number of people buying up giant piles of graphics cards and asic miners sitting around 24/7 processing stuff collectively.

If we had the same level of computer power that's backing BTC/ETH running AI it could do really insane things after enough software development is done, and once the processing bottleneck is gone a lot of options open up where people haven't put much thinking into them on premise of "that's not viable yet", just imagine Nvidia's new tesla chip being the hot new mining device and everyone will buy it to sit around processing AI all day. I hope it happens :)

I had this thought in my head. What if there is a illegitimate A.I. currently in existence right now, it could be very powerful but no one knows about it because it lays dormant because it is waiting for the right infrastructure to come along before it takes control.

They do exist and they are called autonomous weapons. Autonomous cyber weapons are extremely dangerous. Even semi-autonomous illegitimate AI can be dangerous because if a small centralized or decentralized group of bad actors control the illegitimate AI then it could be used to harm people.

How would you protect yourself and others from illegitimate rogue AI?

This is quite a difficult question for me to answer, I just hope to gather enough knowledge about these things now so when things get really bad I am in the position to protect myself then.

Please follow @ herman2141 hai kawan steemit wherever you are and vote on steem okay

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If to be honest they got strong points .Especially about healthcare . I mean eventually it will be just a another tech like it's our smartphones nowadays...
great review btw

The world is more innovative and AI + Blockchain technology will rule...we are in the right place

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

There's some fun speculation floating around that we already are seeing the effects of emergent, network-complexity produced AL in the form of odd market movements, no-source DDoS attacks, network and utility outages or off-peak traffic surges...

Who knows what's lurking in the Aether - Ghosts in the machine?

Are we "All watched over by machines of loving grace?"

Logic driven development of intellects vast and cool,
or mimicked emotional humanity with evolved baggage?

Revealed sooner than we expect, I imagine.

AI will be to blockchain / crypto-auto-curation exactly what the present computer algorithmic day trading is to Wall Street today. Regardless of how technology 'advances', clever greed tends to develop a cheat to readily work around the little guy. One more good reason to stack !


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yikes, 'Skynet'!

I think it's of upmost importance that new tech, AI included, is integrated and has Blockchain as it's roots. This gives us the best chance of ensuring fairness and safety going forward.

hmm, time-travel to fiddle with the blockchain...

Agree, if you value fairness then blockchain has an answer. At the same time I value low barrier to entry, I value accessibility. I did not have access for most of my life and still don't, and think most of the world has even less access, so the point is to make AI accessible to all.

But it has to be done in a responsible way. Whether you believe it should be governed by some blockchain mechanism and a cyberspace community, or by local/national regulations, the AI has to be in my opinion legitimate and governable to reach mainstream adoption. The AI must maintain a good reputation with the community, this means it has to follow the laws of the community, the social norms, the customs, and while I can say that not every community is going to be "national", it doesn't mean no community at all.

Steemit is a community. Steemit has reputation, has voting, has some sort of conscience or decision making ability. Bitcoin on the other hand has no intelligent steering. Ethereum is capable of some intelligent steering but their marketing "unstoppable code" was stupid, and "code is law" is stupid.

Yes the law is a sort of code, but it's definitely not computer code or source code. The point is we need AI which can integrate into society seamlessly, become ubiquitous, and remain beneficial. AI is capable of understanding international law better than the humans who develop the AI or the community that benefits from the AI. The AI which is legitimate will simply be the most liked by the majority of the people in society and that is how mainstream adoption is encouraged.

'The point is we need AI which can integrate into society seamlessly, become ubiquitous, and remain beneficial.'

I couldn't agree more, AI should be for all the people, and one way to help make this so is let the people take care of it in a way that best fits their community.

The killswitch though is essential, who would have the say with that?

Excellent info. The solution is the blockchain. It's just one of a handful of disruptive technologies that, along with a radical change in our ways of thinking, is allowing us to change the way we approach everything as human beings. The world is changing, and we are starting to realize there is no limit to our growth - as human beings, rather than consumption hungry drones. Followed and upvoted.

Hi @dana-edwards. Coming very soon!

History is an unwritten contract between those who have been and those who will be! If we want to have AI we just have to "SIGN"!

This is so exciting but as you said there are sinister issues with AI

it will be interesting to see what's coming next....upvoted!

"The hot topic for me is the ultimate synergy between blockchain and AI. "

This also excites me... I have been following Ray Kurzweil, a futurist that works for google for some time now and he has proposed a 'theory of singularity'. You may or may not be familiar, I have a post with a video of his embedded where he speaks on the topic. Basically he proposes that by 2045, we will no longer be able to control/predict the effects of human and AI interaction as AI will have achieved/surpassed human intelligence..

Very interesting... Hope you are well!! Love your content, thank you..

Didn't Elon musk and a few other pitch in on an airplane research team addressing this problem a year or so ago? I never heard what happened with that, but if he really plans this nearulink he talks about, he better get on top of it! It is an interesting question though! And I hadn't thought of block chains implications on ai! Thanks for sharing +1 follower!

Elon Musk? I'm not waiting for Elon Musk. The answer will be tested by researchers and yes the blockchain is an important component to the future of beneficial legitimate AI. Legitimate AI will be designed very different from illegitimate AI.

Legitimate AI would have to be designed with safety standards in mind, with best practices as the approach, and using standards frameworks. These standards frameworks can include ethical standards, and have localizations with regard to ethics and legal interaction. So yes an AI which must operate in a different culture should adopt the ethical standards and localization framework of that culture, and this can also include subcultures, which can include crypto-anarchists.

All cultures have social norms, all sub-cultures have social norms. AI can adopt the social norms of any culture, adopt the laws of any society, adopt the morals of any community or individual. There can be legitimate AI which is personalized, such as your personal bots which at the same time follow the ethics you would follow, and this can include following the law or breaking it depending on which decision is deemed the most ethical.

But it's in my opinion the AI in that case is an extended mind of the person rather than a true AI which is operating by itself. If it's operating in your interest then it's your intelligent agent, but at the same time if your intelligent agent is a criminal and broke a bunch of laws then you broke those laws and will be responsible. So for this reason I do not think agents can be used to get away from legal responsibilities.

For that reason I would promote legitimate AI, and think the better and smarter long term path is simply to have AI which can follow the law better than any human, while also being more ethical than any human, and still profit more than any person could. So winning could be defined as profiting as much as possible within the predefined rules (laws, community social norms, ethics, etc), just as a legitimate corporation would do. Functionally that is the path Google and Facebook are taking (follows the law, get rich, then change the laws).

Thanks for the response. I don't think Elon musk is taking so long as you think. But who knows. What you talking about goes in line with my favorite shows and subjects as of late. And I've always been a fan of Marvin minksy and ai research.

Then tv shows like humans, westworld, and black mirror. But I don't think I've seen in any of them robots picking up social norms and etc. That would be cool, so long as ethics ruled over some social norms. American drone strikes and crazy laws against women and etc in the east.. I hate to draw examples from the worst part of society, but what if this block chain AI robot were at the scene where those guys raped and killed that girl, but she was wearing provocative clothing so it was ok, it was the social norm.

This an interesting topic and I could talk to you all day about it. Feel free to message me in the steemit chat if you want to talk more, otherwise I look forward to your future posts!

Congratulations @dana-edwards
You took 79 place in my Top 100 of posts