Moonlight ICO Review

in blockchain •  6 years ago 

“A decentralized platform, built on the trusted NEO network that will change the way you recruit and scale your workforce.” —

Problem: Simply put, organizations allocate too many resources when optimizing teams for projects.

Solution: A decentralized workforce platform, built on the NEO blockchain, to change the way organizations recruit and scale their workforce. It combines concepts from the gig economy with those from project management.

Features include
Marketplace: a global task backlog in which resolvers (contractors) bid for work posted by issuers (individuals/organizations). Contractors bid by estimating how long will it take them to complete a particular task. The price is fixed and will be decided by the issuer.

Fun fact: This is quite different from traditional markets where contractors bid with a price. The Moonlight team decided that most workers on the platform will not be full time workers. Instead they will moonlight the tasks(work part-time). Therefore, workers should bid with how many hours a day they can allocate to a task. Note: there will be full time workers at the marketplace.

Trustless resumes: Initially, The project will allow people to submit their normal resumes to start the ecosystem. As tasks get completed, users will start building their trustless resumes based on how fast and well they complete tasks in Moonlight. The resumes will be registered on the blockchain to prove their merit.

Analytical Project Tracking: Moonlight will provide an estimate of how long a user will take to actually take to complete a task. This is based on historical data comparing the contractors estimated timeline vs actual timeline. This also allows an issuer to see how each bidder will impact the project’s deadline.

Crowdfunding: Moonlight allows organizations to add “maturity gates”. These gates are an incentive for the contractors to adhere to the schedule. Stakeholders (issuers) of the organization can assign their tokens to be distributed on different “maturity gates”. If the agreed upon work has been completed by a particular time, the “maturity gate” will “open” and distribute the tokens. This ensures that the contractor is rewarded based on the work completed and not on promises.

Token Utility: Moonlight will introduce a divisible NEP-5.1 token called LUX. The LUX token will operate like NEX token (Neon Exchange) to provide additional value to token holders. Addresses holding LUX will be awarded GAS proportional to their LUX holdings. Additionally, LUX will have utility within the ecosystem. Remittances done with LUX will award the resolvers and issuers reduced fees.

Roadmap: The team has a pragmatic roadmap relative to other projects. Based on the past accomplishments of this team, they should be able to deliver every single milestone. They have already released their white paper on time. During the next quarters, they are expected to release the private beta of their product, conduct a public token sale and release products such as their Market Place and Project Management Tools.

Core Team: The team is composed of developers from City of Zion. A household name in the NEO ecosystem due to their core contributions such as neon wallet, Neomon, NEO-Python etc…

Notable team members include:

Alan Fong | CoZ Co-Founder, NEP-5 standard Dev and more
Tyler B. Adams | CoZ Co-Founder, ME, Systems engineer & Project Manager
Michael de Wal | CoZ co-founder,former IOHK/IOJP — KYC platform dev, Bot developer, Javascript and Node JS expert
Chris Birmingham | CoZ Developer, CoZ Dapp contest winner (NeoTrade)
Advisors: Strong members from NEX/CoZ — Ethan Fast (creator of the famous NEO wallet) & Nathaniel Walpole (Designed NeoScan). Their data science advisor is Chris Dienes, he has a PhD in statistics and is also a machine learning expert.


City of Zion (CoZ): described above.

nOS: an operating system built to interact with blockchains. The OS is available on computers and mobile devices. The nOS team will be building a lot of different modules and features, which makes moonlight marketplace the perfect place for nOS to find the right people.

VDT network: A decentralized high performance computer system to render computer generated imagery. They are still very early, but keep an eye on it as they will be releasing their whitepaper very soon.

Thor: Offers fast/flexible payment, insurance, 401k, and a network of jobs for contractors on the Neo Blockchain. Moonlight provides a platform for trustless resumes, recruitment, and project management. While ThorToken will provide contractors with an easy way to access their benefits. This symbiotic relationship will provide a solid solution to the current problems that plague the recruiting industry.

To consider: It is important to note that apart from City of Zion, all other partners are also in early stages.

Although, this project is present on several social media platforms, it currently has a small community (which is normal for new projects). For instance, they have less than 1400 members on Telegram and less than 2000 followers on Twitter.

This project has the potential to have a huge community because it is built for scale. However, the success of their functionality depends on the number of people who adhere to their platform.

The project does have a GitHub and the beta is scheduled to be released on Q3 2018. We are not qualified to comment on the code quality. However, for the average investor having a GitHub with recent commits is deemed good enough. So no complaints here.

Token Metrics:

Moonlight token is called Lux Token.

Supply: 1 Billion (1,000,000,000) Lux tokens.

ICO Price: 1 NEO= 2,000 Lux — 1 GAS= 800 Lux — 1 ETH= 15,000 Lux. ETH will only be accepted on the pre-sale. The project will NOT offer bonuses during the pre-sale.


30% for immediate project growth

10% Founders (Will be vested)
9% Strategic Investment (Unlocked)
11% Core Development and Advisory Budget (Unlocked)
25% for presale (locks based on amount bought & no discount)

25% public token sale

20% for vested project growth (Locked 24 months)

Locks: 250,000 = unlocked | 250,001 to 5,000,000= locked for 3 months | 5,000,0001 or more = locked for 6 months.

The project will release 50% (25% public & 25% presale) of their tokens to the public. This is a generous amount. No bonuses will be offered during the presale and locks will be in place for buyers with a certain amount of tokens. This will prevent and protect smaller investors from price manipulation.

Assuming that the exchange rate of USD/NEO will be $70 during the token sale, the team will raise $17,500,000, which gives a lot of room for market cap appreciation. Moreover, the locked tokens will lower the volatility (fluctuations) of the token prices and will aid its price appreciation because it lowers the circulating supply. This is good news for investors who are looking for fast token appreciation.

Fundamental Investor: The team from CoZ is top notch. The strategic partners will help bootstrap the community; speeding up the adoption rate of the marketplace. The roadmap is long, which gives investors plenty of room to make decisions on how well the team will behave after the token sale. We recommend anyone to thoroughly investigate this coin as we consider this a long term token.

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