Globcoin Crypto Platform is committed to give a framework to manufacture containers of monetary standards which compare to particular groups/clients needs . This Platform will be utilized to dispatch cash crates. As of not long ago, this was saved just for substantial customers because of the colossal expenses and structure of outside trade markets. On account of Blockchain Technology, it is currently conceivable to offer this to people in general. The decentralization empowers everybody to get to what was held to a couple of advantaged advertise members.
offered to large corporations and high net worth individuals.
In a globalized world, your own particular national money does not by any stretch of the imagination measure your riches, with the exception of as in it is convenient for bookkeeping or installment purposes. While, cash bushels can end up being the fitting answer for an assortment of requirements, this is most likely the explanation behind the developing pattern from Central Banks to develop money containers and additionally to peg the national cash to a bin which is generally not unveiled to people in general (China, Singapore).
GLOBCOIN is a unit of currency vessels that tracks the 15 largest global currencies and gold. It follows an intuitive and unbiased approach based on Purchasing Power Parity which is developing world world economic development. These characteristics enable GLOBCOIN to act as a global store, effectively creating the world’s first “reserve currency”. The cart portfolio is mandatory to capitalize on market trends toward a global and multipolar world by utilizing it using individual countries’ GDP adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity. So with easy words GLOBCOIN will be the first global coin. (more information, index description, formula you want in Globcoin newsletter.
You can ask why we need coins like Globcoin, but you will get an answer — we all live in a global world. Where before 1 cup of coffee came from several different land and each land wanted to receive payment is its own currency. With continued saving on the global centralized banking system, people feel now equally convinced of their own currency, as they lose confidence in their national currency and therefore the function of “savings”. Clear evidence now showing “Global currency” is required as a medium of exchange, as a depository and as an account unit.
The Platform will empower to dispatch tweaked cash bins for an assortment of employments.
The main container that will be propelled on GLOBALCOIN stage will be our “lead “ GLOBCOIN, a crate in light of the 15 biggest monetary standards of the world and 5 % weighted in Gold. This bin relates to the requirements of numerous clients. This crate is as of now exchanged for our substantial customers on a conventional outside trade forward market. By development, it will be 100% resource upheld and exceptionally steady. It will be a perfect supplement for a digital forms of money holders needing to remain in the crypto world however hoping to secure piece of their portfolio. Other cash bins have just been considered for particular customers in Asia, Africa and Western Europe and GC stage will have the capacity to dispatch and oversee such devoted crates as per customer needs gave that the constituents of the bushel are tradable.
We will likewise add a bushel to our current GLOBCOIN multi-money prepaid card with the goal that individuals (notwithstanding their requirements in fiat monetary forms) can purchase a container in only a single tick.
Is it accurate to say that it isn’t an unrest that anybody, effectively and at exceptionally sensible expenses, can act like a national bank, overseeing money hazard?
The motivation behind the Token deal (GCP) is to:
give extra subsidizing to upgrade the present stage, exploiting the best of blockchain innovation.
make the stage accessible to the biggest group of clients.
scatter the utilization of committed bushels in particular districts of the World, as per the neighborhood directions that may apply in such places.
Today I will soon make sense to another Swiss company — Globcoin. This group has started 20 years ago in 1998 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Currently Globcoin is based in Switzerland and the UK and is aimed at the Crypto market by applying a new digital coin — GLX, which is linked to a set of fiat currencies from the world’s 15 largest countries and 5% Gold. Its value plays the world economy including new components and trends such as developing country economies such as China or India, while maintaining a good balance of Western economic currencies.
Ok, now finally about the most interesting token, ICO, softcaps, hardcaps. Pre-sale preparation beginning 2018, exactly 08 / Jan / 2018 and will run for 4 days until 12 / Jan / 2018. Bonus will apply during pre-sale. So if you plan to invest, you weigh you for the 08 / Jan / 2018 mark on your calendar, and remember, The stamp for pre-sale limit of 30,000 ET 13 / Jan / 2018 will start the main event of ICO and will run until 31 / Jan / 2018 The base price will be 100 GCP for 1 ETH (currently ~ 3.66 $ for 1 GCP (1ETH = 366 USD) SoftCap is 10,000 ETH, otherwise you can refund HardCap 150.00 ETH The total amount will be 41 900,000, Everything will be divided accordingly
Importantly — the KYC / AML procedure will apply, so be ready to share some level of information with Globcoin. (KYC — Get to know your customers, AML — money laundering money)
The Globcoin GCP token creation process is organised around smart contracts running on Ethereum.
Participants willing to support the development of the Globcoin project can do so by sending Ether to the designated address. By doing so they create GCP at the rate of 100 GCP per 1 ETH. A participant must send Ether to the account after the start of the crowdfunding period (specified as the block number).
Crowdfunding ends when the end block is created, or when the amount of Ether sent to the account reaches the maximum.
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