Mithril Android App 'Lit' is On Now - You can mine your friends now?

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

In case you haven't heard about this new coin/app, check out their website: It's actually pretty easy to understand. What is not so easy is how you, the content creator, can earn by their so-called Social Mining.

"Mine Mithril. Find Followers, Fortune and Fame."

This is the catchphrase on their website. Sounds familiar to Steemians, I bet. But it's actually quite different. I have read their white paper - there is no stake (SP) and distribution of rewards (mithril token) depends on users' (or if you prefer, miners' ^^) likes, views and duration of watch time (by others of course). You may refer to page 8 of WP for a formula.

Anyhow, I won't go into the details as you can get them from the WP. The idea is simple, but would it be powerful? Seems it's time to find out gradually ... as their App Lit is out now on Goolge Play (or search 'mithril'). iOS users need to wait up a little bit.

Let me give you a little tour to begin this interesting journey ...

[Note - my setting are in Chinese but should be a barrier for anyone if you can just download the app.]

See the lightening symbol? That's Lit's mark!

How do they put it? Be there, or be square!? ^_^

It's pretty straight forward to try all the functions. So I am not gonna guide you step by step. I encourage you to try it by yourself. Set your avatar, write your profile, and you can set your "account name" on the setting page. I guess this is critical for others to find you and add you as friend.

My account name or id (I cannot change my language setting so I don't know exactly what word do they use) is

@d-crypto ........... welcome to add me and I will add you as well.

Your "stories" (aka posts) for now are either a photo or a video within 10 seconds. So far it seems that you can only directly produce them from your phone camera but not select from existing files on your phone.

And those stories will only exist for 24 hours (I will update tomorrow to confirm) and I guess when they disappear, that's the time the rewards are distributed according to the formula specified.

In one hour, I managed to produced 7 stories including photos and videos. Just to test the fun.

See the big circle down there!? That's the camera button. Tap it means take the shot, touch and hold means to do video recording (up to 10 secs). It's simple as hell.

See the views and likes of my stories!?

Click the yummy ice-cream and you can see at the right corner there is a number.

Yeah! it's not zero! This is actually the "estimated" mithril you will get at the next distribution. So the number may keep changing.

Now, feel more like a miner now? ^_^

Of course, there are other things to check out like notification, friends' list, friends' stories,... etc. I am sure it's pretty easy to learn how to use this App.

I have to say that I am impressive with it so far. As I have only learnt about this token and project in less than one month and now I can see it running - although still lots to improve.

They did not do ICO and the token is already on OkEx (some drama there). I don't think discussing the price is too meaningful now. So I will leave you to find out the gossips out there. My guess is that Jeffrey Huang, the founder and also the founder of 17 Media (live streaming), will somehow connect his living streaming business with this App. I just don't know how...

We, as little miners, can just have fun for now and maybe we can mine a little bit Mithril and enjoy the lift later.




黃老闆的17直播做得非常火紅,連電視節目都有了... 還能夠進軍這塊時代尖端的區塊鏈社交媒體,真是棒棒的啊!

但他們可沒用ICO割韭菜啊,不做ICO,只有私募。號稱要做「社交挖礦」,所以用戶就是礦工啦!這跟Steem的Proof of Brain似乎是一路線哪!但我看過白皮書,這裡不會有大鯨魚問題,獎勵直接由"views", "likes"跟觀看時間長度來決定(日後可以跟Steem模式比較一下),所以真正的"網紅"有福啦!(劉美女只是假網紅而已,我自己知道)。我看麻吉大哥可能會直接把17直播的美眉們都帶過來吧?或是在Lit (Mithril的App)上紅的就拉去做直播... 難道我也有機會紅了嗎?

這一篇是要告訴你:Lit 的Android版昨日上線了!你可以看上面英文版或是更詳細的開心大師中文版。使用蘋果的朋友要再等等囉!


我的帳號是:@d-crypto;開心大師是 @caishin;wilkinshui是 @wiggor ... (其他人歡迎在留言提供帳號大陸朋友似乎得翻牆?)

目前就是一張圖或是一段低於十秒的影片,且要直接拍攝。文字似乎也還沒開放... 可以互傳訊息。

最後說說,這個新傢伙與Steem的競爭... 我覺得初步看不大,頂多是未來steepshot, zappl這類強調短平快app的可能對手... 我曾一度想Lit可不可以用SMT,但底層邏輯不同,我看可能也不適合吧...

Let's mine our friendship now. ^^

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice. Looks interesting! There seems to be many new social cypto projects coming out lately. I hope Steem can stay at the top and keep performing better then all these new guys...
Thanks for the info ;)

There are really many social sites of late and some are not all that good.

I am very sure and confident Steemit is on top coz the money paid here is big hehehe.I have so far earned small money so far and am spreading steemit to Uganda(they will not know about this other sites unless i tell them hahaha)

Steem is after all the first mover. Besides, there are so many potential areas... So, not to worry! :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A couple of English shot.



加你了^^ 宋江


That looks really interesting. I'm off to the google store to check it out.

It is a fun App to try and its easy

It's pretty straight forward to try all the functions. So I am not gonna guide you step by step. I encourage you to try it by yourself

I have done all and even added you! Let us the little miners have fun hahaha .

saw you and added. thanks!

That's something useful. I didnt know about it before. Thanks buddy.

Wow, thank you. How to ios user?

ios users have to wait for next release.

  ·  7 years ago 

mine is @aagor XD

why eveyone is xxxgor? added.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Because Wilkins told me he’s wiggor XD
Btw I dun have android just using my dad’s phone lol

好吧我第一個來!I'm @SL at Lit ;pp

小姐妳已經是第好幾個了... 但是你是第一個有潛力變網紅的!已跟隨~~~~

XDD第一個在這裏留名的啦>V< 哎呀網紅這個東西留給劉美女吧是時候犧牲色相啦❤️

😃我也要玩 ~ @jessie_wu

喜欢这个 logo!


Thank you @deanliu for introducing mithril, when is the iOS app releasing?