The evolution/decentrolution of democracy is at hand

in blockchain •  8 years ago  (edited)

Democracy, although righteous in ideology has been limited, until now.

Although the 'free world' chooses their leaders... to choose just this once every 4 years and really have no say in between has been an issue of logistics and viability.  This stale form of democracy will fall away to a new form coming.  We will be able to actively participate in much decision making as members of society, due to blockchain voting.  NASDAQ making this statement is no small news item, but one of the biggest in the history of democracy and also in blockchain developments.  Now, citizens have something to demand from the stystem... not one law or policy change in particular but the big picture overhaul of how we make decisions as a society.  

Voters must ask of future leaders one simple question: "How will you utilize blockchain voting to give the people more say on how society is managed?  We expect an evolution of democracy!"

The massive position in the markets and also wide-spread adoption of ethereum lets Decentro predict that ethereum will play a huge role in the process of democracy going to the blockchain.

A prevalent question people are asking these days is:

"With robots and AI expected to take over a majority of jobs in the near future, what are people to do?"

Decentro answers: "Why, run society of course through the blockchain!"

Bring on the decentrolution of democracy!

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It will be fascinating to see how this plays out. In theory blockchain voting should mean more democracy, but...

... as long as we create the system and use the system, and replace the old with the new, democracy will evolve. Sitting back and being a consumer of the old will ensure nothing changes.