In total, CoinTracker has 5 different plans depending on how active the user is:
The most basic plan costs only 49USD and allows up to 100 transactions. Which is not bad for investors who don't tend to do many transactions.
The next plan costs 199 USD and allows a maximum of 1500 transactions. This plan covers 15 times more transactions than the previous one, and costs only 4 times more.
The following plan costs 499 USD and covers a maximum of 5000 transactions in addition to having priority support in case there are doubts or inconveniences.
The last plan with an established price costs 999 USD and covers 3 times more transactions than the previous plan, that is, it covers up to 15,000 transactions. If we take the daily average of 15,000 transactions per year, it gives us approximately 41 transactions per day. This is clearly an extremely high number, but in case there are clients with these activity levels, there is a plan available for them.
Finally, there is the possibility of designing a customized plan for those clients that need to cover more than one million transactions. These plans don't have a fixed price and will depend on the needs of the client.
It is good to also take into account that CoinTracker can calculate the taxes of several countries and not only the United States, so customers from other countries can also use this tool to help in their tax calculation.
This is my English translation of a segment from one of my previous Spanish articles.
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