What percentage of the participants will be experts from the blockchain industry?
As explained in previous articles, of the total number of people that will attend this conference by industry, 58% of high-level executives representing their will be attending, 27% of people with available capital to invest will be attending, 16% of individuals who will go to present their new projects with blockchain technology will be present, and the last group that was discussed in my previous articles was that of journalists, which will be 3% of the total of the industry. On this occasion, the group of participants that we are going to cover is that of experts in the industry.
Having a quarter of the total number of participants as experts in the industry is something that undoubtedly greatly enriches the experience of the people who plan to attend this event, this is so because having the support of experts it is guaranteed that the information being shared will be of the highest quality and the same can be said in relation to the analyzes regarding the present and the future of this industry.
In my personal opinion, the ideal would be to see a discussion session between several experts where they can discuss with each other about any difference they may have when assessing the potential uses of blockchain technology.

It would also be great to me if these experts could carry out a questions and answers session, where other people can share any kind of doubt they may have about the cryptocurrency sector, and have a real expert clarifying all those doubts. This is where the special importance of having journalists present in the place would come into play, so that they can have the opportunity to elaborate some questions to be answered by said experts.
The truth is that the only sure thing is that these experts will give some talks and some exhibitions on the latest developments in the blockchain sector, and they will probably also share their opinion on what the future can bring to this entire industry.
Anyway, even if there is not a question and answer session, there will certainly be many things to learn from whatever the experts decide to share. 25% is a very high percentage and the amount of information to be shared by them will surely be quite large.
This is my English translation of a segment from one of my previous Spanish articles.
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