in blockchain •  5 years ago 


As big data on rewarding users for data
The GEODB which brings on the notion of big data collection and how they actually distribute passive voice on your data. As more of having to be involved in the shares of your data being collected. As when looking at how big companies use this of the big data collection from their users with or without their consent, and eventually gain from this activity on user infos and such, we then see the game now being innovated in the introduction of data analysis, broadcasting being brought to users in a manner as to which both entities gain from mutual arrangements.


The GEODB now brought on the issue of having to integrate on having to provide a friendly environment as to join the team of having to share your data, on the scale and scope of big data analysis. As the site, have evolved from being a startup to a strong hold brand.
For those to join the ecosystems


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Reference on this post, is from HIVE

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