in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)


In our first series on ECOMI products, we did some overview on the core products in the ECOMI ecosystem - namely; the Secure wallet and ECOMI One card - with a promise do discuss the other remaining three products in a subsequent post. These theree products are; ECOMI App, ECOMI Vault, and ECOMI Collect.

So here we go...!



The ECOMI App will be kind of a central hub for the ecomi ecosystem. This app will offer users across the globe access to the different services and products available on the ecomi platform. The app can be accesed both by mobile app and by laptop. In some cases however, one might have to use browser extensons in order to access certain features on the platform.
Noteable features of the app include;

  • An NFC technology

NFC are initials for Near Field Communication. This is a trending new tehnology that allows communication between devices like computers and smart phones without physical contact. With this technology, all you need do is wave a device/object over an NFC compatible device and a communication is initaiated. This is commonly found in coomonly supermarkets.
Both the ECOMI ONE Card and the secure wallet will interect with ECOMI app by this means since both devices are NFC compatible.
This is innovation at its peak and it will undoubtedly add more value to the ECOMI ecosystem

  • Dapp market place

Another feature of the ECOMI app is the Dapp market place. This will be integrated into the ECOMI app as the range of Dapps in the platform grow. From information availavle on ECOMI whitepaper, the Dapp market place will be similar to Google play store; so users will be able to browse through the Dapps and services available on the ecosystem to choose ones of their choice. Equally, licensed users will be able to submit new Dapps freely in the market place.

It is hoped that with time the market place will expand to accomodate physical assets and will be processed by an escrow duely setup. in simple terms, the envisioned idea here is something like AMAZON!

How great!


ECOMI vault is a software designed to give users protection against theft of identity, intellectual properties, etc. It will protects users' usernames and keys against theft and also other intellectual properties they might import or create on the platform such as writings, music, collectibles, etc.

However, this service is not free. Interested users will have to pay certain amount of the OMI token in order to access it.


This will be a hub for crypto collectables such as cards, special characters, cryptokitties, etc. The collect will have an app within which will be a market place amongst other features where users to easily buy and sell collectibles of high value. This produce also gives users the privilege to create their own collectibles with the state of the art technology provided. But y o get involved in this creation, users will need to first and foremost acquire the necessary license to ensure legitimacy.

More details on ECOMI Collect here:

For more information, visit the ECOMI official website:


Image credit: All images in this post are screenshots from ECOMI Whitepaper


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