The ten next years are pretty exciting for those who understood what exactly is going on…
World has changed or better said, new civilization has come to life and this one is going global.
Far in 70’s we couldn’t dream about a better culture that could include everyone’s particularity.
Let’s take a look at the past…
After the second world war, and 30 years of growth, the reality of the nature hit the economy. From there started a march for global inclusion. One of the hero of this march was Martin luther king junior, then came the years of techs gurus, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs who introduced and developed the counter-culture…
Late in 2000’s Mark Zuckerberg and fellows introduced the world to the peer-to-peer relationship. But this was only the beginning. The real peer to peer relation was about to become true 9 years later when for the first time we heard about the first bitcoin transaction.
From that moment, we started a new decade of exploration, thinking and fighting between those who want the old world to be just copy/paste in cyber-space and the new generation willing to change the role of central authority and make its impact less intrusive in every day life for billions of people…
Now a new decade has begun and things will continue to go intense, wild and probably we are about to experience a totally new way of thinking, doing business, transacting and even speaking… we are at the cross of many ways and the good question is to ask ourselves which world we want and the way we want it..
My wish is that we could finally find a common ground and resolve many problems we’ll be facing:
Cyber-security, climate change, electric supply power, food supply system, etc…
The next decade is about us to come together or to die selfish.
World will fall apart or be rebuilt … the only last question is how will we reach that agreement?