jantung dari blockchain dan sistem perangkat lunak yang unik.

in blockchain •  3 years ago 


Do you know how the long story about the development of genius ventures.

If seen until now, genius ventures have experienced rapid development.

Genius Ventures has also helped human activities become more efficient. Therefore, it's good for us to know the development of genius ventures.

try to imagine how great this genius blockchain system Utilizes the cycle of Computing Devices
which is not used on the computer.

blockchain token genius assembles mobile devices, and IoT devices, systems process Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning data on end-user devices. End users are then paid in Genius Crytpotokens which can be reused for In-App purchases or converted back to another currency. In addition, the entire system is easily integrated into Computer and mobile games and applications.


genius token blockchain system process


Customers request processing of data for Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning and pay into an account that converts the currency into Genius Tokens. The transaction happens via a distributed web interface and payment / cryptocurrency conversion system. The customer then uploads or references data to be processed.

The data to be processed is uploaded to a encrypted area in a distributed file systems. As part of the transaction, the costs of storage are charged against the deposit. If the customer has storage for their own data, the system then references this data through secure SSL transactions with the individual customers own SSL public key

Token Allocation

tokenallocation (1).png

Funds Allocation


The Timeline
With help from our teams, contributors and investors these are the milestones we are looking forward to achieving.




★ WEBSITE https://www.gnus.ai/ ★ TWITTER https://twitter.com/VenturesGenius ★ TELEGRAM https://t.me/geniustokenschat ★ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/geniusventures.io/ ★ LINKEDIN https://www.linkedin.com/company/geniusventuresio ★ GITHUB https://github.com/geniusventures ★ WHITEPAPER https://www.gnus.ai/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Genius-Tokens-Whitepaper-1.0_Final.pdf

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#GeniusTokens #Blockchain #Crypto

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