We Are EOS WTZ: An Introduction

in blockchain •  6 years ago 

This is an updated version of our original introduction with 2 new criteria.

A) Official block producer candidate name – EOS WTZ 

EOS WTZ is operated by WTZ Blockchain Academy, which was established in November 2017. The founder, Wang Tuan Zhang, started from a blog, in which the writing is infused with his charismatic personality, something rarely seen in the blockchain media space. Ever since that time WTZ Blockchain Academy has received a lot of attention on WeChat, Weibo and blockchain forums, with more than 200,000 followers across all platforms till this day. Among them, there are more than 10,000 volunteers, who are from various backgrounds and with different expertise including IT, media, finance and consulting. This team provides crucial support to the development of WTZ Blockchain Academy and EOS WTZ. It serves as core of the decentralized process of content creation as well as a multi-dimensional business model of the Academy.

EOS WTZ has a team of 30+ in Nanjing, working in an office of 4,400 square feet and two members based in the US, Jialin Li and Xueyuan She. In addition to that, EOS WTZ also has a professional broadcast and production team from CCTV (China Central Television) working on video content. The technical team includes EOS.io source code contributors and early Ethereum developers, as well as other experts in cyber security, network infrastructure and server operation and maintenance.
Public website URL: http://www.eoswtz.com 

B) Location of company headquarters – Nanjing, China 

EOS WTZ is based in Nanjing, a city with prominent place in the Chinese history and culture, and the capital of Jiangsu province. Located in the Yangtze River Delta region, Nanjing is in the eastern region of China, next to Shanghai and Zhejiang province. EOS WTZ’s main office is in Haixia Yungu Technology Park in the well developed Hexi district, the location where the 2014 Youth Olympic Games was held.


 EOS WTZ also has a broadcast studio located in Beijing. 


C) Team

Yonghai Wang (Colonel Wang), Founder CEO and Chairman of the Board
Yonghai Wang, founder CEO and Chairman of the Board of EOS WTZ. The author of "WTZ Blockchain Diary", which is one of the largest self-media in China's blockchain industry. Its influence has affected millions of blockchain enthusiasts in China. He is the founder of "WTZ Blockchain Academy" and the founder of Xiaotuan Technology co. LTD. The early participants of digital currency, advocates of EOS in China, the chief commander and strategic decision maker of EOS WTZ.    

Yejing Wang (Alice), Legal Director
Yejing Wang, the Legal Director and founding member; graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Master of Laws degree and was a senior lawyer of Sidley Austin, Jun He and Han Kun Law Firm, providing legal services for overseas listing, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, real estate and PE/VC, and domestic and foreign funds. Responsible for EOS WTZ's community operations, external investment and financing, fund operations, and legal compliance.  

Xingqiang Lin (Feiyang), Operation Director
Xingqiang Lin,Operation Director and founding member; over 12 years of management experience in tech firm; the founder of several IT service firms. With more than 4 years' experience in Blockchain industry, he has deep understanding of the development and future of Blockchain. Xingqiang is overseaing EOS WTZ with operation. 

Jialin Li (+0), Oversea Operation Director
Jialin Li, Oversea Operation Director and founding member, obtained his master degree in Statistics at Columbia University. With years of experience in management and IT consulting, he helps Fortune 500 Financial Institutions improving operational efficiency by using Digital technologies. As EOS WTZ's oversea ambassador, Jialin oversees EOS WTZ's oversea social medias and community, communicates with Block.One and cooperates with other BP candidates, and also helps Block.One and oversea BP candidates communicating with Chinese community. 

Xueyuan She, Systems Engineering Director
Xueyuan She, Systems Engineering Director and founding member, Bachelor of Science with high distinction from University of Virginia, Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology; 3 years of C/C++ development and 2 years of artificial neural network research experience, proficient in High Performance Computing (HPC) programming. Xueyuan is in charge of managing DApp incubation outside China, EOS WTZ's overseas community and the deployment of block production.     

Hao Wang, Lead Engineer
Hao Wang, Lead Engineer, has more than 10 years of software development experience, especially in public block chain and quantitative trading system, EOS source code contributor, technical partner in quantitative hedge fund. Hao is in charge of EOS block producer technical planning; and team member training.    

Kevin Ren, Head of Block Producing
Kevin Ren, head of Block Producing, senior blockchain engineer, EOS source code contributor, participated in the development of multiple public blockchain projects, and 5+ years of software development experience. As a core member of EOS WTZ, Kevin is in charge of coordination and organization of block producing software and hardware architecture, and direct the execution of technical deployment.    

Kui Zhang, Information Technology Director
10+ years of experience in IT industry, 3 years of IDC management and 7 years of web outsourcing experience, proficient in web, database and load balancing development. A partner of IT outsourcing company, Kui was in charge of APP development for many well-known companies. As a core member of EOS WTZ, Kui is in charge of the web and APP development and branding of EOS WTZ online community, as well as the building, operation and maintenance of block producing servers.     

Mingyang Ma, Community Operation Director
Mingyang Ma, Community Operation Director and founding member, obtained his bachelor degree in business administration in Jilin University and is experienced in product operation. Mingyang has 5 years experience in blockchain industry and now in charge of our online media and offline community operation. 

Wenjie Zhang, R & D Engineer
Wenjie Zhang, years of software development experience, Wenjie Zhang served at “Hongshu Chinese” website, highly experienced in ERP and CRM system development and the deployment of system architecture for big data applications. At EOS WTZ, Wenjie is in charge of the backend development of EOS WTZ web and block producing server 

Yang Liu, R&D Engineer
Yang has more than 5 years' experience in IOS application development and has leaded various of applications for financial institution. Yang is a very experienced project development engineer and believes the blockchain techlogoly will chage the furture industry. 

Dong Chen, R & D Engineer
Participated in the backend development of many CRM management system, familiar with B2B model and users’ frontend requirement. Dong is currently working on development of blockchain related projects.    

Wei Zhao,  R & D Engineer 

Wei is very experienced in Android application development and is very familiar with development language Java,C/C++,JS. Wei is an expert in developing Android MVC, MVP, MVVM RxJava, RxAndroid and has led various of applications of high performance. Wei has great interest and passion in block chain and new. 

Menglong Shi, Head UI Designer
3 years of designer experience in addition to background in software development. Serial entrepreneur in IT industry with rich experience in blockchain project development. Integrated knowledge in frontend, research and development. Meng has taken part in development of multiple blockchain related products.    

Weiyan Zhou, HR Director
HR director and founding member, has many years of human resource management experience and is good at team recruiting. Weiyan is responsible for team recruiting and coordinating for EOS WTZ.    

Jing Cao, Content Specialist
Our cultural messenger, has a bachelor degree in Beihang University and used to be an English tutor in New Oriental School. Jing is a writer and is responsible for content in our media platform. Jing is also working on publishing a book for the company on blockchain topic.    

Qiang Chen, Director
The Director , 15 years of directing experience; used to serve on China’s national TV media; executed the general director and creator director of CCTV "Chinese literature and art in the war of resistance", "the past of overseas Chinese" and "sansha fengbei 1974",etc. Qiang is responsible for EOS WTZ's video production for marketing and educating propose.     

Jianjun Kong, Content Director
Jianjun is a serial entrepreneur and also worked for Suning.com. He is an expert of operation and producing contents both online and offline. Jianjun is overseeing EOS WTZ’s various content outputs.

Bin Chen, Content Specialist
Bin served as regional head of a Fortune 500 company and has years of marketing and management experience. With his solid background as lecturer and presenter, he in charge of content outs and hold lectures and meetups.      

Houpeng Zhang, Content Specialist
Houpeng graduated from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications and China Jiliang University with Bachelor and master degree in Electronic engineering. He is a professional novel writer and is overseeing EOS WTZ’s content products.

Peng Shi, Finance Director

Peng has a bachelor degree in finance and years of stock trading and cryptocurrency trading experience. He in overseeing EOS WTZ’s investment for dapp and EOS economic application's incubation, fund accounting and other financial aspects.     

Beier Li, Operation Manager
Beier graduated from Yunnan University and was head of Student Union art department. She has years of experience of managing and organizing celebrations and arts festivals. Beier is an operation manager of EOS WTZ and assist us in social media operations including wechat, Weibo, and BBS accounts.

Yunxiao Du, PR Manager
Yunxiao has a bachelor degree in English and take the responsibility of managing EOS WTZ’s public relationship and community operation. Yunxiao is also managing the investor relationship and communication for our EOS WTZ fund. 

Xiaoxiao Jiang, File Post-production Specialist
Xiaoxiao received her dual bachelor degree in cartoon and international economics from Chongqing University. She in charge of digital editing and post-production of EOS WTZ’s video. Xiaoxiao is also managing the investor relationship and communication for our EOS WTZ fund.

Yajie Zhang, Community Operation
Yajie has a bachelor degree in Accounting and take the responsibility as an Operation Manager for social media operations including wechat, Weibo, and BBS accounts.

Lin Cui, Editor The Editor, 12 years of editing experience; participated in the editing of the TV series "Beijing my love", "the second anniversary documentary of wenchuan", CCTV6 micro film, digital film, Internet big, samsung, wanda and other hundreds of works.   

Yuan Ding, Host The Host, photo reporter, 6 years of hosting experience; hosted Samsung Electronics Live, Sohu live, Baidu Tech, network technology program "DingDing show you technology", etc.

Wei Wang, Special effect artist The Special effect artist, 10-year special effect experience, participated in Special effects design and production of CCTV6 micro-movie, "06, 07, 08 China and South Korea Model Contest", CCTV public service advertisements and other hundreds of films and commercial films. 

Yan Liu, Host Host, photo reporter, 10 years of reporter Experience; served as column host& chief reporter on China's national TV media.  

Haowei Wang, Cameraman The Cameraman, 12 years of camera experience, served as photographers & videographers for CCTV "South of the Sea" (National Five First Engineering Award), "Chinese Literature in the War of Resistance", "The Story of Capital", "The New Three Gorges", etc.      

Nanjing Team 

Beijing Team

D) Technical Specifications

Before 3rd of June, in order to maintain the robustness and reliability of testnet server, we will use two cloud based servers in block producing.  

  • Main Server
         Intel Xeon E5-2696 v4 @ 2.20GHz
         CPU:22      vCPU core
         32GB RAM
         SSD:LOCAL      PCIe 3.0
         NETWORK:1000      Mbps
  • Backup Server
         Intel Xeon Platinum 8173M @ 2.00GHz
         CPU:28      vCPU core
         64GB RAM
         SSD:LOCAL      PCIe 3.0
         NETWORK:1000      Mbps

Those two servers will be based on AWS servers in the US. Scaling plan after June 3, 2018:
After the 3rd of June, we will keep up with the rising demand of EOS, and cooperate with well-known blockchain solution providers to build bare metal server that is robust and highly scalable. The provisional hardware Specs:  

  • Intel Xeon E7-8880 v4 @ 2.20GHz
         CPU:22      vCPU core
         32GB RAM
         SSD:LOCAL      PCIe 3.0
         NETWORK:1000      Mbps

In circumstances when error occurs at nodes, the process will be switched to redundant nodes in order to maintain uninterrupted block production and to never miss a block. 

Live Upgrade of Cluster

Upgrade to servers can be performed while the cluster is running live without affecting block producing process, as a result of multiple points redundancy used in our system. Machines that are upgraded will be thoroughly tested before being reconnected. 

Elastic Load Management
The system supports high elasticity, as upgrades to the system that is used to deal with any potential demand surge, will not affect the operation of block producing. 

Load Balancing
Load will be processed by the cluster load balancer before it is sent to processing nodes, which are dynamically assigned with weights, to maximize overall performance of the system.  

E) Community Benefit Plan 

We define ourselves as candidate from the community, by the community, for the community. EOS WTZ believes that, as a block producer, contributing to community benefit is a responsibility of same importance as block producing. Both WTZ Blockchain Academy and EOS WTZ are self-funded, which allow us to make decision only for community benefits.

EOS WTZ is Operated by WTZ Blockchain Academy, one of the top blockchain content producers in China. EOS WTZ has a strong community supporting team, with first hand information about concerns and demand of our community members. This is the very foundation of EOS WTZ, a block producer that comes from the community, and the reason why EOS WTZ will be successful with its community benefit projects, as listed below:  

  • i. Support DApp development
    The development of DApps is crucial to the ecosystem of EOS. EOS WTZ will support DApps developers by providing funds, technical supports, and seed users.
    Fund: A token fund established by WTZ Blockchain Academy will provide funding to EOS DApps incubation, and after EOS WTZ is elected as block producer, EOS WTZ will dedicate a portion of its rewards to further help      the incubation of EOS DApps.
    Technical Supports: WTZ Blockchain Academy will provide free tutorials for entry-level DApps developers. EOS WTZ also has developers with strong technical skills that will work as counselor of DApps developers.
    Seed Users: We will use our influence within community to help DApps gain seed users and help them make marketing strategy.
  • ii. Community Growing
    WTZ Blockchain Academy has built a reputation of being an EOS supporter among its Chinese audience. With millions of views of its article, WTZ Blockchain Academy has helped EOS to be more well-known and more accepted      in the Chinese blockchain community. As a block producer candidate, EOS WTZ will continue to have community growth as one of its main missions.
  • iii. Community Education
    WTZ Blockchain Academy was founded with the idea of becoming the blockchain education hub. The experience of producing educational material gives EOS WTZ a strong background in community education. Our experience combined with our established channels will equip EOS community with      considerable blockchain knowledge.
  • iv. Collaboration with      university student organizations
    EOS WTZ will establish collaborations with student organizations in universities. Student organizations can run their own nodes on EOS WTZ testnet, and EOS WTZ will provide assistance if needed.
    EOS WTZ will also sponsor students to attend EOS related events such as EOS Hackathon, and provide funding to their events on campus, to help      educate and attract more future EOS developers.

F) Roadmap 

 2018.4.1  Established EOS WTZ block producer candidate team

We are a group of determined and dedicated EOS believers. From November 11th, 2017, we have been constantly posting EOS-related contents through our media channels. Therefore, we have done a large amount of EOS community building groundwork even before the formation of the campaign team. We are a self-funded and financially independent block producer candidate. Sufficient funding for block producer operation has been prepared before the formation of the team. 

From 2018.4.2  Bridging a gap of communication between China and abroad

Our team will interview most of the EOS block producer candidates in China and abroad to bridge the communication between domestic and foreign community. We’ll provide a sound channel for all community contributors to grow bigger and more influential together. 

 From 2018.4.10  Enhance original content production

EOS WTZ has various types of original contents, including Current Event Commentary, Technical Report, EOS WTZ News and a variety of video contents. By sharing updates of all progress EOS WTZ has made, EOS WTZ News aims to increase the transparency in the EOS WTZ operation and improve mutual understanding with community. Technical Report gives updates on our technical progress. Current Event Commentary covers news and topics around community and governance. 

From 2018.4.15 - 2018.5.15 Establish EOS WTZ "108 Elites" decentralized community/tech leader team

From 2018.4.20 Join the Scholar Testnet launched by EOS Nation

Launch EOS WTZ testnet and provide financial and technical supports to Blockchain Research Lab at University of Virginia, which produces blocks on EOS WTZ’s testnet. 

2018.4.25 Start EOS constitution work group

Start EOS constitution work group to timely translate constitution and share with Chinese community. Collect feedback from Chinese community and submit official propose or critique on EOS go forum. 

From 2018.4.30 Start DApp incubator operation

Form the DApp Incubator Operation Committee and start communicating with EOS DApp development team. With a 3 million USD fund, our incubator will leverage EOS WTZ’s advantages to provide financial, marketing, and technical supports and also provide seed users. EOS WTZ is also proactively seeking other opportunities to contribute to EOS ecosystem such as developing DApps and wallet. Once the main net is launched in June and we've been elected as a block producer, we would continue to devote the block producer inflation rewards to incubate projects in relation to EOS economic and industry. 

2018.5.1-2018.6.5 Online 100,000 people live broadcast meeting

Multiple online live broadcast meetings with audience size of 100,000, covering in total 500,000 to 1,000,000 blockchain enthusiasts in China. 

 2018.5.10-2018.5.26 EOS WTZ nationwide meetup tour

Include but not limited to the following cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, etc. 

G) Position on Dividends   

Financials independent

EOS WTZ holds an independent position on financials and shareholding structure and therefore we are able to keep the independence as a block producer candidate without external investments or financial support. EOS WTZ is under independent operation by a team separated from any affiliated entities.  


EOS WTZ will disclose its financial statements once elected as a block producer, which shall include its Shareholders, and actual controllers. At present, the ultimate shareholder of EOS WTZ is the operating company of WTZ Block Chain Academic, of whom the shareholders are the core members of the community, and other key natural persons of EOS WTZ community. The shareholding structure does not involve other consortia, enterprises, funds or any other block chain industry participants. 

Our attitude towards dividends

EOS WTZ opposes all actions against EOS values, including any form of pay-backs to voters (bribery vote). We promise that we will not take any form of vote buying during the campaign and will not pay any form of assets or economic benefits to the voting EOS holders. We promise that we will not sharing inflation rewards and/or paying dividends to EOS token holders after becoming a block producers.  For our written policy of no-payment for votes please refer to our statement posted on our official website 

Our vision and mission

We will take advantage of the strength of the our global team, join hands with a strong adviser team, and based on our existing community, devote our full passion and all resources to achieve our vision and goals. EOS WTZ fully supports terms and spirit of EOS constitution, making it the main goal of EOS WTZ as to contribute to the development of a health EOS eco-system. EOS WTZ strongly opposes all actions that are against the core values of EOS, including any forms of dividends (buying vote).  

H) List of Social Media Accounts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/eos_wtz     

Telegram: http://t.me/eoswtz

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR-h944x8Lmv3Lpf-BAgjXQ     

新浪微博 Weibo: https://weibo.com/6524954934/profile?topnav=1&wvr=6&is_all=1     

微信公众号WeChat (EOS WTZ) 

EOS WTZ  is a block producer candidate for the EOS.IO Blockchain



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