in blockchain •  5 years ago 


Ever heard the terms Geofencing and Delisting?

Unless you are a pro in the cryptocurrency exchange arena, this uncommon term might prompt some confusion in your head.

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To put it simply, ‘Geofencing’ is nothing but blocking people in specific geographical areas from using certain features of a cryptocurrency exchange platform. On the other hand, the term ‘Delisting’ refers to those assets that can no longer be traded on any cryptocurrency exchange software.

Often, the regulatory laws in the country where we operate are what lead us to geofence certain features. For instance, if we geofence margin and lending feature due to the regulatory uncertainty in the US, a US customer will no longer be able to access the page for margin trading.

Furthermore, though delisting an asset is never an easy decision, when we do delist an asset, none of our customers can trade that specific asset anywhere across the world. The two important factors that lead us to delist an asset includes regulatory uncertainty and liquidity.

Also, enough time is provided to the customers before delisting an asset, so that they can withdraw all their assets from our exchange platform.

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