The Power of Decentralization and the Blockchain Revolution

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)


The cryptocurrency markets have been a subject of mystery and speculation since their inception nearly a decade ago. Nobody knows the identity of the person or group who invented the world’s first cryptocurrency, and virtual currencies were initially dismissed as a novelty of the digital age. However, now that the cryptocurrency revolution has taken hold, there is no longer any doubt — the blockchain is here to stay.

Cryptocurrency exploded onto the mainstream investment scene last year, and the blockchain will soon be impacting everyone in some way. However, relatively few people understand what it is, how it works, or why it’s important. Halo Platform views this as a problem, and we’re developing solutions that make cryptocurrency more accessible and easier to use than ever before. We’ve already started our mission of bringing the new digital revolution to the people through our Featherlite browser and wallet application, but that’s only the beginning. Halo Platform is building the most user-friendly and functional cryptocurrency platform on the web, and we’re doing this in a way that can ensure nobody gets left behind in this next phase of the technological revolution.

Blockchain Technology Goes Mainstream

Institutional investors and government agencies alike have been scrambling to catch up as cryptocurrencies become an increasingly popular mainstream investment. This has led to a great deal of confusion, particularly from the regulatory side. However, as governments and large corporations are catching on, they are finding more and more ways to integrate blockchain technology into our daily lives.

Even Walmart — one of the world’s largest retail suppliers and the largest private employer in the United States — has been awarded a patent for a unique application of this groundbreaking technology in energy conservation. But when it comes to crypto entrepreneurs, the big names in the corporate world are way behind the times. Companies like Halo Platform have already recognized the value of this increasingly valuable technology, and our goal is to make sure that the market power created by cryptocurrency stays with the people.

Decentralization — Returning Power to the People

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are becoming an increasingly important part of our digital lives. Suddenly, centralized payment systems that we’ve all come to rely on, like Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Venmo, and Paypal, are becoming obsolete. Instead, people are turning to decentralized, peer-to-peer payment systems that facilitate online payments without the need for time-consuming individual verification.

Cryptocurrency is efficient and secure because it does not rely on some central authority that can be corrupted or mismanaged. Rather, the decentralized nature of most digital coins allows for transfers to occur in a completely trustless environment. Verification is performed by consensus rather than by individual companies, and transactions cannot be interfered with or modified once made. All in all, decentralized virtual currencies are returning economic power to the people. This democratization of the financial services markets is a phenomenon that is returning the power to the people, and it’s something that Halo Platform wants to help make sure the people understand.

Halo Platform is building the most inclusive cryptocurrency platform on the web because we know it’s something that people need. The last thing we want is for the power of the blockchain to be gobbled up by patent trolls and greedy corporations, so we’re building a place where regular people can come together to organize, strategize, and execute cryptocurrency activities together in a single, easy-to-use platform. We’re looking forward to the great new things people will be able to achieve using Halo Platform, and invite everyone to download and explore our ever-expanding platform:

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Any idea how long before we see a client update which will allow MN owners to withdraw collateral and stop the contract on their own?