Blockchain is Drawing the Attention of Professional Developers

in blockchain •  6 years ago 

ICOBox head of International PR Dima Zaitsev on the current expansion of blockchain development for blockchain in Spain:

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People still wonder what the so-called “blockchain” is. The term may not be crystal clear to the layman at first glance, but it is mentioned so often in media, news, and posts online that it is clearly drawing the attention of the curious. If you type blockchain in Google nowadays, you will get no less than 129 M hits. So, where to get started?

What is blockchain?

Wikipedia is usually good at stating complex concepts in simple words that everyone can understand. According to the online encyclopedia, a blockchain is a list of records named “blocks” which are linked with the use of cryptography. Each block contains a hash of the previous one, a timestamp and the transaction data.

The cryptographic hash is a very special function that has the following properties: it is deterministic, allows quick computation of values, makes the sniffing of messages impractical, small changes would render the hash useless, and it’s unique. In other words, a blockchain is a protected digital register which is bulletproof against data modification attempts.

But, in addition to enhanced security, the blockchain also provides a change of mindset: decentralization. Old corporate systems were designed to be centralized, i.e. databases safeguarded on hard disks at a facility. Although backup copies solve the problem of potential data loss or corruption, that is nowhere near as efficient as decentralization, where every blockchain user can share the registers.

Living a decentralized lifestyle

I first heard of digital nomads while reading the news some years ago. It was a trend worth noting back then, but now is more of a day-to-day reality for the employees at ICOBox. Along with geographic freedom, lack of (usual) schedules, and the adventures of travel come the challenges: reliable Internet connection, changing time zones, visas, etc.

Working in a global company is truly decentralized. Attending an event in Malta one week, another in Singapore the next, and traveling to the USA and Spain to finalize a four-week routine around half the globe. In the meantime, there is the chance to talk to numerous people who are knowledgeable in the tech, such as Andrei Karpushonak, a freelance software developer with 12+ of experience.

After some background on the technology, my first question was related to the interest that a senior developer may have in the blockchain.

Blockchain development requires a combination of various skills, such as computer programming, cryptography, and game theory, which makes it more difficult to start, and more rewarding if you continue, as you will acquire a better understanding of the current financial system, cutting-edge technology, and even philosophy, sociology, and government processes.

Andrei is based in southern Spain, where he is gaining firsthand knowledge of the decentralized lifestyle. There is still a lack of seniority in the sector, since the big cryptocurrency boom, aka the bitcoin bubble of 2017, wasa recent occurrence. Therefore, mastering the skills now will allow the experts to stand out in the coming years, giving them an edge on industry newcomers.

The only constant thing in software development is change. Technologies come and go, the job market is constantly changing, and developers, to stay up to date, need to evolve and learn all the time. Blockchain gives the opportunity to program money using native digital assets, which was simply not possible before, so there are a lot of opportunities and low hanging fruits in this area, which is largely unexplored, starting from an easy to use digital asset wallet, secure and friendly cold storage (digital vault) or digging deeper into consensus mechanisms, which is part of the Research and Development area.

There is plenty of development already in sight, but still more as yet unseen beyond the horizon. We cannot foresee how far this technology and the related developments will lead us. Just as the Internet changed the way the world understands communications, we may be witnessing how our paradigm of data sharing is changing thanks to the various uses of cryptography.

A growing market in Spain

Analyzing the reach of the sector within the country, we must conclude that is still just getting started. At this point, there is a bright perspective for the months to come and plenty of interest in the evolution prior to 2019. Some still expect another Christmas price bubble, whereas the more cautious simply go with the flow.

The job market for blockchain developers is growing, but there is a big difference in the projects a developer can work on depending on the country/area they live. Remote opportunities are available, but, at the same time, as the nature of work involves dealing with value (digital assets), trust is a big issue, and this trust could be harder to achieve if you work remotely. To overcome this struggle, probably the best way is to pick an open source project you like, and start contributing, on GitHub or the communication channel of the given project, in other words — to start learning by doing.

The path to mastering blockchain is packed with challenges. Fortunately, people are becoming aware of the importance of learning. Meetups by CIBTC on September 27 in Granada, on September 28 in Almeria, and on October 2 in Malaga are harnessing the momentum for larger events, like the one to be held in the Andorran Roc Blanc Hotel on October 5–6 with a capacity for 450 attendees. The participants will have the chance to learn more in conferences, workshops, and other activities.

International blockchain events are scarce in Spain, but there are a few annual ones such as the Blockchain Solutions World 2018 on October 16–18 in Barcelona at the Fira de Barcelona, which attracts hundreds of attendees. ICOBox is proud to take part in this large conference with a three-man squad headed by Dima Zaitsev and including Evgeny Nikiforov and César Patiño. The spread of blockchain in the Spanish & LATAM ecosystems is undeniable.

Shorter ending

The path to mastering the blockchain is packed with challenges. Fortunately, people are becoming aware of the importance of learning by doing and making. CIBTC is organizing meetups (upcoming in Granada, Almeria, and Malaga) and their next event in Andorra on October 5–6. There are also international blockchain events such as the Blockchain Solutions World 2018 on October 16–18, which ICOBox is attending, and the European Blockchain Convention on November 29, both held in Barcelona

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