eLYQD: decentralized means of connecting e-liquid manufacturers all over the world

in blockchain •  7 years ago 



There are heaps of advancements designed for breaking the mechanical wildernesses and making life simple and charming for everybody , the upshot of these miracles can in this way be followed from 2009 when the Russian Bitcoin master by the name Satoshi Nakamoto first considered the thought regarding the computerized decentralized , straightforward and aligned machine known as the blockchain fundamentally in charge of helping money related records and business exchange, it is from this take-off stage alternate thoughts picked up energy with the entry of cryptographic money which has influenced all features of human undertaking, going from back, training, security wellbeing and so forth it is upon this establishments that Elyod was found.


eLYQD is a decentralized ethereum based ecosystem commercial center that will be the system for the whole vaping industry. In other word, elyod is a commercial center stage intended to enable anybody to make an online store that will make great utilization of the most trend setting innovations in the web based business field, including the alternative to pay for vaping items with digital forms of money and eLYQD tokens. Basically, it is a completely decentralized web based business commercial center where everybody can purchase and offer vaping items, and advantage from the huge points of interest of the stage's plan and specialized properties: protection, opportunity, and much lower costs. Our point is to associate e-fluid makers everywhere throughout the world and supply organizations with the vital apparatuses for propelling a one-of-akind stage to the worldwide market with insignificant exchange expenses and with no budgetary outskirts, middle people or irritating bureaucratic schedule. We will join makers keeping in mind the end goal to make our own particular practical crypto-business that will take web based business to another level. One of the principle highlights of eLYQD is the utilization of blockchain innovation, which permits making the stage straightforward, open and as sheltered as feasible for both exchange parties, decrease of exchange and business expenses, and rearranging of the buy procedure. For more indications about the topic, watch the video piece of information underneath;

These are the offer or provisions eLYQD over any other crypto platform;

  1. low fees
  2. low transaction cost
  3. detailed sales analysis
  4. advertising sales analysis
  5. payment in popular cryptocurrencies (ETH, FIAT etc)
  6. international market access
  7. transparent and decentralized review system etc.
    for more insights, below is a table buttressing the facts ;


eLYQD is a stage made for purchasers and venders from everywhere throughout the world. With a simple to-utilize online stage, any maker can make their own particular retail facade to offer their items, while making utilization of the stage's extensive variety of highlights for a negligible expense. Our administration offers awesome open doors for independently employed business visionaries, little scale makers, multinational organizations, including a determination of devices for coordinate client input, accounting, deals examination, publicizing and advancement, and also a helpful, easy to use interface. The eLYQD's income display contrasts on a very basic level from those of conventional internet business stages. For more features about the strategy for success, beneath is graph refering further bolstering its similar good fortune over some other arrangement as far as administration conveyance;


Installments inside the eLYQD environment will be affected in the framework's own particular crypto-tokens—LYQD, ERC20-agreeable. The capacity of the token will be to remunerate clients for dynamic utilization of the biological system and commitments to its improvement (rewards incorporate a few sorts of crypto-paybacks, dependability, advancements).


On account of a question amongst purchaser and dealer, an assertion benefit is accessible. We urge venders to pick an authority, as it expands the trust level for purchasers and furthermore the likelihood that buys will be made. On the off chance that the two gatherings question an exchange, the dealer will pay the judge out of the escrowed stores. For purchasers, intervention is in every case for nothing out of pocket.

Notoriety SYSTEM

Each merchant and purchaser will have a notoriety rating got from their lead amid each exchange. Clients with a low or negative notoriety score might be sifted through, keeping in mind the end goal to shield different clients from extortion and sat around idly. This notoriety framework will empower true blue shippers and clients to act genuinely and to develop a strong notoriety.


Ether, similar to all cryptographic forms of money, is unpredictable, changing in an incentive consistently, with respect to national monetary forms like the dollar and the euro. eLYQD will build up an incorporated installment framework that works like ether, however changes over to monetary standards at a proportion of 1:1. At last, things can be valued in a national cash, and you will know precisely the amount you're spending or being paid.


Inside the eLYQD biological system, brands, purchasers, mediators, appropriation and shippers collaborate straightforwardly with each other. Exchanges are controlled by LYQD and in this manner they are quick, secure and straightforward. There is no requirement for middle people that exist in conventional vaping biological systems. eLYQD will hold all the esteem created by the network inside the ecosystem.The decentralized blockchain - based eLYQD eco-trade will give suitable means and build up pertinent guidelines for its members to commonly receive the rewards of quick and moment esteem trade bargains, for example, offer of e-fluids or administrations. Empowering web based business stages to flourish has been one of the principle triumphs of the web, by ringing a more extensive cluster of e-fluids at less expensive costs to a substantially bigger number of potential purchasers. For legitimate learning about the promoting methodology, beneath is an outline coordinating the channels;

for proper hints about the sales of elyod token, below is a diagram essentially illustrating the sales technique to all esteemed investors;

Token = LYQD
Platform = Ethereum
Type = ERC20
PreICO price 1 LYQD = 0.0024 USD
Price in ICO 1 LYQD = 0.0024 USD
Investment info
Min. investment = 0.1 ETH
Accepting = ETH
Distributed in ICO = 60%
Soft cap = 2,000,000 USD
Hard cap = 15,000,000 USD

• Min. investment = 0.1 ETH
• Accepting = ETH
• Distributed in ICO = 60%
• Soft cap = 2,000,000 USD
• Hard cap = 15,000,000 USD

After the token sales, a percentage of the token will therefore be shared to all category of persons whom have contributed towards the development of this project, below is the distribution formula;

Below is the league of professionals who were able to gather this initiative and by making it realistic solely for solving global technological needs;

For proper orientation and guidance about the project next plan of action of this company, please study the roadmap below;

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://www.elyqd.world/
WHITEPAPER: https://www.elyqd.world/assets/files/white-paper.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4526862.0
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/elyqdcom?_rdc=1&_rdr
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/elyqdcom
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/elyqd_world

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

For more features about the strategy for success, beneath is graph refering further bolstering its similar good fortune over some other arrangement as far as administration conveyance; .
It should be referring instead of refering.