EYEGLOB.NET: A hybrid of social and professional network dedicated to eye health.

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)


The eye is a very sensitive organ in the body that whenever one losses it, it automatically makes us physically disable and limits us from a lot of activities, this is also an area at which the blockchain technology have been able to touch through its technological innovation. As an attempt to see out to this devastating issue of losing one’s sight, a team of professionals where able to adopt a hybrid of social and professional network dedicated to bringing an end to this overbearing issue that over millions of people globally are suffering from. This technological innovation can only be achievable with EYEGLOB.NET. get a clue of the video for proper updates;


Eyeglob needs to make an ecosystem of interpersonal organizations and master systems to be utilized for individual eye administer to everybody. You can oversee contract and wellbeing related information through secret and scholarly contracts. EyeGlob.Net organizes is induced well legitimately ordered coordinating moved helpfulness and mechanical assembly to make the EyeGlob.Net practical powerful natural framework till the improvement period of the wander. It is the automated world with blended decentralized advances, AI and cosmically monstrous data. This is flighty case amassing the benefits and attempts to upgrade the execution of all accomplices together and freely. They assume that this will have a huge impact in visual perceiver prosperity experiences and profit billions of people before long. Their answers are focusing on the plain focus desiderata of each accomplice in the visual perceiver prosperity. Accomplices' joining into the whole natural framework will radically transmute the execution and score.


EyeGlob.Net environment will be multilayer, multifunctional stage with particular apparatuses coordinated for each intrigued partner. EyeGlob.Net people group will be clients and substance makers. By possessing EyeGlob.Net - every client will make content which might be purpose of enthusiasm for another client or gathering of clients. Some portion of the information on the EyeGlob Ecosystem clients can produce institutionalized reports containing particular patient notes and send them straightforwardly to the facility at all frequencies. This spares a ton of time in the holding up room. This apparatus incorporates a patient card with a square chain and delicate information can be put away in scrambled arrangement. EyeGlob.Net will spare billions of hours and cash. We will utilize blockchain innovation and shrewd contract convention for touchy information administration, encryption, security and sharing. Sole Eye Health Global Ecosystem on Blockchain!


EyeGlob.Net will dispatch as an expert informal communication stage and will specifically begin to affect neighborhood bunches towards globalization and later will change into worldwide network of eye wellbeing professional fessionals.
Eyeglob wants to advance the stage through WEVC, ESCRS and numerous other significant eye occasions. To start with, the organization will center around English talking nations. By 2021, they are relied upon to reach no less than 1 million clients. Taking a stab at better usefulness and allure of the system we will execute a few practical "smaller than expected tools"– like Smart Recruitment apparatus with shrewd match usefulness, Trusted Reviews for overall population's and patients' trade of involvement, Trading stage with eye wellbeing related industry and administrations (hardware, permitting rights, clinical gear, and so on.) and eye wellbeing buyer merchandise (con- politeness focal points, glasses, eye drops, and so on.)

ICO parameters
Token Ticker: Snow
Platform: Ethereum
Pre-sale information: July 17, 2018 August 7, 2018
Main sales: September 18, 2018 October 23, 2018
Country: Estonia.

After the sales of token, a percentage of the token will later be distributed to all category of persons who contributed towards the development of the project, below is a diagram illustrating the distribution formula;

Token distribution:
ICO 40%
The team has 20%
Special coins 4%
16% pre-sale
Early bird 20%.

Below is a team of professionals who were able to bring solution to the problem related to sight;

To all prospective customers and ICO investors, below is the next plan of action about EYEGLOB.NET;

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://eyeglob.net/
WHITEPAPER: https://eyeglob.net/EGN%20whitepaper%20v1.03.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4571479.0
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EyeGlob/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/eyeglobnet
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/eyeglob
BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2235232

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