WANTED: BLOCKCHAIN DEVELOPERS for exciting project with financial backing....

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)



I am currently in the recruiting stages of a very exciting and large blockchain project led by a successful entrepreneur colleague of mine. This application can be a potential major industry disruptor.

The project will utilize decentralized computing services such as Golem or Elastic, as well as utilize other blockchain applications- converging these applications/platforms in order to provide a comprehensive "turn-key" solution to the problem we are looking to solve. We may also need some other types of integration with offline computing and other online services.

Obviously for confidentiality reasons I can't go too much into detail but this project is a very brilliant idea, albeit very ambitious, so ideally we need someone who has some experience with an ICO in the past and/or is currently up to date with the latest developments in the next wave of platforms that are hitting the market which offer more versatility.

This project is very forward looking and will be very challenging, so not only will the financial reward be substantial, it is most likely a project that many developers would like to be a part of.

Although still in the early stages, we have some very serious investors waiting for a proposal and they plan to provide 2-5M to start the project off and then we are also considering an SEC compliant crowdfund process.

We also have a strong marketing and PR team, but need someone to serve as an overseer of the development of the main product.

We are a forward looking project and it may take a while until we reach a finished product so rather than Ethereum we are eyeing Stratis or Qtum to serve as the foundation of what is most likely to be many potential blockchain platforms/services we may need to utilize to pull off this project.

We are headquartered out of Western Canada but have no problem working remotely with the right candidate.

Ideally this person would be able to play a leadership or advisory role as we already have developers on board from previous projects who are fluent in most of the popular programming languages.

We also may be taking on a couple of more developers who are familiar with blockchain application development and cross compatilibilities amongst them. If you or someone you know may be interested please e-mail me at [email protected]

Please Resteem/Upvote to get the word out. We are confident that someone with the skillset is going to want to be a part of this project. Payment is negotiable and most likely will involve salary, equity, and potential bonuses. Also, the work will be very engaging, as I know money isnt the main motivator for many of the types of devs we are looking for.

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