An ICO as a way to raise money that has proven highly successful among start-ups and eventually grew bigger than the traditional venture capital fund raising for a while .
providing support for document hashing and proofs, and legal value of blockchain operations through different jurisdictions associated to cluster authorities, iXXo can take on a significant part of the token (security or utility) crowdfunding phenomena.
iXXo provides several ways to improve an ICO process:
To track white paper, termsheets and conditions versions of the documents on the public dAppBox network to keep an historical assessment of what the project management is changing (available from version 2, Enterprise Edition).
To create content evaluation surveys of the white paper through the dAppBox content assessment system (available from version 2, Enterprise Edition).
To perform KYC operations by our network of bailiffs operating nodes and validating identities in a batch mode with reduced fees, while KYC documents are shared in the dAppBox network.
To transfer raised tokens to other blockchains (available in the business Edition, from v5).
To have facilities to deploy their dApp using the dAppBox and iXXo cloud facilities.