Breaking!: (IJCH) Steemian Alert! MyFitnessPal was Hacked, 150 Million User Accounts Affected!

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

Breaking: (IJCH) Steemian Alert! MyFitnessPal was Hacked, 150 Million User Accounts Affected!

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IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (meaning: My warped, personal opinions and musings)

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From the Author:


I am JaiChai.

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MyFitnessPal was Hacked, 150 Million User Accounts Affected!

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I just read about the hack on MyFitnessPal.

On March 29, Under Armour announced that MyFitnessPal was compromised affecting 150 million user accounts in February.

Founded in 2005, MyFitnessPal grew to 80 million users before Under Armour purchased it in 2015. That number has roughly doubled in the three years since the acquisition. The app is available on both Android and iOS and is designed to work with more than 50 devices, hence its huge reach.


They claim that they became aware of the hack on March 25.

Investigations via a few data security firms and law enforcement is underway.

What Was Compromised?

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The stolen data includes account usernames, email addresses, and scrambled passwords for both the app and its website, sending shares of the athletic apparel maker down 3%.

Oh yeah, it’s also one of the largest data hacks in history.

MFP’s breach is certainly the largest this year, and one of the top 5 ever, based on the number of records compromised (for reference, the Equifax hack affected about 145m accounts).

Larger breaches in the hack hall of fame include 3B Yahoo accounts in 2013, and the credentials of more than 412m users of adult websites run by FriendFinder Networks in 2016.


I used to use MyFitnessPal, but have since stopped - pending the outcome of the investigations and public statement of future protective measures.

If you use MyFitnessPal, here's where I became aware of the hack:


By JaiChai

Thanks for stopping by.


About the Author

Believing that school was too boring, he dropped out of High School early; only to earn an AA, BS and MBA in less than 4 years much later in life – while working full-time as a Navy/Marine Corps Medic.

In spite of a fear of heights and deep water, he performed high altitude, free-fall parachute jumps and hazardous diving ops in deep, open ocean water.

After 24 years of active duty, he retired in Asia.

Since then, he's been a full-time, single papa and actively pursuing his varied passions (Writing, Disruptive Technology, Computer Science and Cryptocurrency - plus more hobbies too boring or bizarre for most folk).

He lives on an island paradise with his teenage daughter, longtime girlfriend and three dogs.

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"My mind was a terrible thing to waste..." - JaiChai


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@jaichai great article, thanks for the share.


Namaste, JaiChai

I don't use my fitness pal but I know people who do so I'll let them know, thank you for spreading the word!

Thanks for alerting us. @jaichai

My insta account was hacked the other day too, not cool people. Stay out of my private stuff! I also have my fitness pal so will have to check that out.

Yep, I'm one of the users @cailliyork knows - LOL! Ugh, thanks for the heads-up, @jaichai - I hadn't heard about this before now.

As informative as it gets. personally i have never used MyFitnessPal anyway.