Join The University of Nicosia's FREE Blockchain MOOC - Enrolling Now for Spring 2018

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)


The University of Nicosia - FREE MOOC

DFIN-511 - Introduction to Digital Currencies (Spring 2018)

Advance your knowledge of the Blockchain industry for FREE! Enroll in the University of Nicosia's 9th Edition of a Free Introduction to Digital Currencies MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). Enrollment deadlines for the Spring 2018 session are Saturday, January 13th and classes will begin in February. This valuable MOOC features 12 live online classes taught by renowned Bitcoin experts Andreas Antonopoulos and Antonis Polemitis.

At the end of the Free MOOC, students who successfully completed the course will receive an academic certificate. The authenticity of the certificate can even be verified through the Bitcoin blockchain! If you want to pursue a MSc in Digital Currency, this MOOC certificate will count as credit towards the degree.


Register for the Spring 2018 session here:

IMG_3984 (2).JPG


Enroll Today!


Thanks For Reading!

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Thanks for sharing I think I will sign up for it

Do it! Although it's free, it has some very valuable content!

Already signed up

Awesome! See you in class ;)

See you there

Quite interesting.. Are you signing up lol?

I did the first edition back in the day and a couple others too. Each time they have new material because the space continues to evolve. It's got a lot of good free knowledge.

but to answer your question... Yes I'm signed up for some more! Let's be classmates :)

Nice write up do you register? Please follow and upvote me @willyhills

Click the link and follow the instructions