Blockchain application scenario: information sharing

in blockchain •  4 years ago 


This should be the simplest application scenario of blockchain, which is whether there is information exchange.

  1. Pain points of traditional information sharing

Either information is published and distributed by a single center, or batch reconciliation between each other (typically once a day). For information sharing that requires timeliness, it is difficult to achieve real-time sharing.

The two parties sharing information lack a mutually trusted communication method, and it is difficult to determine whether the received information is sent by the other party.

  1. Blockchain + information sharing

First of all, the blockchain itself needs to maintain the data consistency of each node, which can be said to have its own information sharing function; secondly, real-time problems can be achieved through the P2P technology of the blockchain; finally, the use of the blockchain is not tamperable And the consensus mechanism can build a safe and reliable information sharing channel.

You may have this question: To solve the above problems, I can build an encrypted channel by myself without using blockchain technology! But I want to say that since blockchain technology can solve these problems and it is very convenient to add nodes, why not use blockchain technology before you have built a safe and reliable information sharing system?

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