Based on the triune brain model it has not been possible to produce large-scale consensus without using force, so forced nationality, and forced marriage before it, have been products of that limitation.
Computers, as cybernetic extensions of the human organism, enable new forms of consensus systems, which could not be processed on the human brain alone.
Proof-of-work, rather than using a deterrent, uses rewards that hijack the tendency to chase security ("greed") and produces consensus without the need for a consensus trance.
"Swarm taxation"[1] using dividend pathways and "branching schemes" would also use rewards that hijack the tendency to chase security.
From coercion to lures
Consensus, state, law and governance is important and so needs to be produced. Coercion wastes a lot of cognitive resources and human utility. By moving from coercion and deterrents to lures, like mining rewards or swarm redistribution, resources are made available.
Approaching the neo-mammalian complex and memetic incentives
The triune brain model means that the neo-cortex, the neo-mammalian cortex which is the eusocial part of the brain which is colonized by culture, it sits on top of the paleo-mammalian complex, the limbic system, and the reptilian complex, the brain stem.
Any sufficiently advanced social organization would use mostly memetic imperatives[2], over genetic imperatives like deterrents or the tendency to "chase security".
By upgrading from coercion to rewards, cognitive resources are freed up, producing a spiral of increased attention and focus on memetic incentives, a cultural perspective.