RE: Explaining the Matrix to my 4-year-old son … and sort of what a blockchain fork is

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Explaining the Matrix to my 4-year-old son … and sort of what a blockchain fork is

in blockchain •  6 years ago  (edited)

Love the design. The fork looks like a sad flower. When are you going to introduce your son to the magic world of blockchain?

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Read the rest of the blog and you'll find out ;-)

Thanks for that. You should more often explain such stuff to kids then even grown ups can understand.

Whoa, you speak Esperanto???

I am one of the few from a Million of steemers here. It's like in the real world, as long as mainstream doesn't recognize a special value of a thing it doesn't get attention. By the way if you are interested in language creation than you take a closer look.

I am. I started doing the Klingon course on Duolingo but I'm finding it more challenging than usual, probably because of the lack of recordings more than the unique grammar.

I'm actually looking at getting the Orbs two-pager translated into as many languages as possible. I can only do so many myself. You saw the German and Spanish ones I did right? It would be pretty cool to have one of the only Esperanto two-pagers/one-pagers in the industry.

Not sure if I find enough spare time for a translation. Here we go with the first paragraph:
Orbs apartenas al la sekva generacio de blokĉena teknologio, kun la gvidanta filozofio, ke neniu blokĉena sistemo sufiĉas por ĉiuj. Orbs estas desegnitaj por B2C-kompanioj, kiuj atingas multajn konsumantojn kaj aldonas praktikajn ŝanĝojn, kiuj alportas pli da valoroj al ĉi tiuj entreprenoj ol la infrastrukturo de antaŭaj generacioj kiel ekzemple Bitcoin aŭ Ethereum aŭ aliaj novaj formoj de blokĉenoj. Aparte, la Orbs-infrastrukturo estas esence evoluita per grandaj aplikaĵoj kiel Kik.
(untranslated words like orbs, kik need to be written cursive)

Dude, you're awesome

As I was diving a bit deeper I checkt also the German version. In the end I translated into German (imroved) and Esperanto. If you send my any email address I can send you the file (Its for free).