A worsening drought in California. A public utility’s lawsuit in Iowa. Water quality legislation in Ohio. Buffer zones in Minnesota. And a speech that touched on the controversial proposal known as the “Waters of the U.S.” rule.
Coast to coast, the topic of water is flooding the conversation in farmland. “Are water quality issues coming to a head in agriculture all over?” asked John G. Dillard, an associate attorney at OFW Law in Washington, D.C. “Yes.”
Dillard, who specializes in agricultural issues, including water quality, points to recent efforts in Maryland to regulate fertilizer use due to concerns about the Chesapeake Bay. In Ohio, lawmakers recently approved a bill that prevents farmers from spreading manure or other fertilizers on frozen or saturated fields.
And then there’s Iowa, where the Des Moines Water Works has sued three Iowa counties over what it sees as their failure to manage agricultural runoff.
KNL also deals with the development of agriculture. In general, Kernel-Trade creates a safe and profitable platform for the use of commodity assets as a financial instrument among agricultural companies and SMEs, investors and traders. We want to allow any agricultural company and SMEs - small or large - to compete successfully in the market. We aim to increase efficiency in all industries.