The Trust Revolution

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

Blockchains aren't primarily about money. The value of blockchain technology isn't in the cryptocurrencies' prices, but in what the technology itself has created. The value of blockchain technology is in trust, by creating a trustless environment. Cryptocurrency is about money, but based in a trustless networked cryptographic state/condition.


Trusting What Happened; Who Did What

The stability of the condition or state in a blockchain is secured by mathematical cryptography and decentralized networking, making it not require the trust of a centralized authority. Trust has purely been in the domain of humans for most of our existence. We needed to remember the history of something, like who did what (actions), or who had what (property). We had leaders and 'wisemen' of the tribe or community keep records in the distant past. Then with record keeping texts and digital mediums as we developed those technological capabilities.

We have centralized authorities as the human-formed nation state to govern the ordering of interactions through communities and hierarchies. Now the trustless network state decentralized consensus formation can replace the nation state centralized power to keep everyone playing by the same rules. Human-created states or conditions of individual or centralized record keeping and maintaining trust, are being replaced by a technological state of decentralized distribution of record keeping based in cryptography that stores information securely and creates a trustless system.


Records can't be modified by the whim of a person to lie and engage in fraud. The trustless network state makes lying and fraud almost impossible to accomplish. The record of what happened and who has what is locked into a decentralized database (blockchain immutable ledger) instead of a centralized database that can be modified without everyone else agreeing to it (human brain with fallible memory, paper that can re-written, standard databases that can be altered). The blockchain network state has every cryptographic node verify or witness what ever other node has, and everyone has the same records that can't simply be altered.

We are used to relying on others for their integrity to trust them for what they say happened, or what they say they have. Now we have a trustless environment that tells us what happened without having to trust what any individual says. We can just look at the history in the immutable blockchain data that keeps a record of everything that happens in it.

Book Keeping

To understand the record keeping aspect, we can look at one domain we are all familiar with: monetary exchanges. Record keeping was more distrusted before double-entry bookkeeping came along. In double-entry bookkeeping, a transaction gets recorded twice to balance out what came in and what went out. Transactions involve exchanges, receiving one thing for something else given.

I sell you a flower, you give me a dollar. I record that I had a debit of 1 flower, and a credit of 1 dollar. Double-entry bookkeeping shows how the transactions are happening on an individual basis, rather than simply counting up all the money you made and all the things you sold at the end of the day, week or month. This is how businesses use accounting to keep track of what sells well and what doesn't, allowing them to do better business.

Dishonesty and Fraud

This made money transactions more trustable, but not trustless. After all, these record keeping books were written by people who can be dishonest and engage in fraud. Even with modern computing, it still happened. The biggest frauds in recent US history include the company Enron, the money manager Bernard Madoff, and the investment bank Lehman Brothers.

The books are only as good as the honesty and integrity of the people creating them. Fraud can be created by centralized record keeping. Those who are entrusted with honest record keeping act as middlemen and charge fees to do so, getting to control the information and access to it. Banks and stock exchanges do this, acting as middlemen of trust between people in the world.

Blockchain technology changes things. The cost of trust in financial transactions get reduced (most cryptocurrencies) or possibly removed (Steem cryptocurrency). No longer is a centralized ledger of bookkeeping required to be verified for claims of who has what, who did what, or who owes what. In a decentralized network, the access to that information isn't controlled by a person or group, but becomes publicly accessible for anyone to verify claims (as long as it's a public blockchain ledger). Entries into the ledger can't practically be modified after they are made. It becomes trustless because the mathematical cryptography is the medium of trust that locks in the data. Records are immutable and can't be modified by someone alone. If data is to be changed, the whole network has to reach a consensus to allow it.

This has been done once with Steem I think, when there was a hack early on that required a rollback, and all the witnesses acting as network record-keepers has to agree to do it in order to have the same records and maintain the integrity of the chain of transaction blocks.

The trustless nature of the blockchain cryptographic network state means that you don't need to rely on fallible human bookkeeping to be honest, as all entries are automatically entered by algorithms and become immutable. The ledger isn't in the hands of one person, or one centralized company, but becomes shared for access and verification among different parties who have an interest in keeping the books honest.

Cutting Costs

The cost of record keeping goes down, because accountants aren't needed in each business, and each business doesn't need to trust the accounting books of other businesses. Businesses will have more money to do what they do instead of paying someone or a group of people to deal with transaction record keeping, and trust their honesty or integrity. Middlemen like banks are no longer needed to pay for their trust services. Transparency and freedom is amplified with less control of information in the hands of a few.

Automated Actions

Money interactions can be programmable through smart contracts that can execute actions based on conditions being met. If X, then Y. Buy this when something else happens. Automation can be done with payments of all kinds, from the buying and selling of anything, along with conditions to give money to others based on what they do, like based of the merits of actions to do charitable work, sustainable building, etc.

Human Trust Isn't Obsolete

Trust between humans isn't completely gone. We just don't need to trust others as much in certain areas of human interactions, such as those requiring monetary transactions. Honesty and integrity are still important parts of human interactions and building trust between people to cooperate together. Blockchain technology helps us remove middlemen that gain power over us, be it government or banking institutions.

Cryptocurrency was the first application of the blockchain that was most evident to create and use because it's purely about monetary transactions. Bitcoin did that. Ethereum came along with smart contracts. What comes next? More trustless networking to collaborate and interact. Who knows exactly which ideas can be attached to decentralized record keeping and automated programmed responses to behaviors in various technologically-connected markets, but many people are working on various applications for the highly connected future that lays ahead.

Thank you for your time and attention. I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Peace.


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I’m not sure if I see blockchain itself being such a positive thing. I think more trust between individuals is what we need, but I understand a trustless system of accounting doesn’t necessarily have to damage trust between people and can actually help it grow. What I want to see is a means of decentralizing power.

I’m by no means suggesting we are all allocated the same amount of currency or resources, but there should be a means of contesting the disparity between a “whale” and a “minnow”. Is it really ok that some people have a million times more power than the average person, that it would literally take millions of us to be able to stand against them, not accounting for all that extra support they can use their vast resources to attain. The existence of superwhales is essentially the same as a state. And I’m not insinuating that we should ransack the rich either. I hope we can develop a new kind of culture and new technologies that encourage more of a flow of resources towards those who have less. Trying to do my part.

I like the idea that anyone can start a currency, and that if people believe in it, it can become a real means of trade. I only hope we can think of good safeguards against manipulation by whales and institutions who are looking to do so.

Honestly, I simply am waiting for mass adaptation and the people to begin publishing and discussing what they published here on Steem, that's next, all I can do is sound the same tune I've been singing ever since I came here "decentralization+transparency=censorship-proof".

Once you build it, they will come.

Crypto fails at the transparency part. I wonder if crypto based loans will ever succeed. If your loan changes value according to the coin value I doubt it.

Crypto fails at the transparency part. I wonder if crypto based loans will ever succeed. If your loan changes value according to the coin value I doubt it.

Don't laugh at them, they are using words like transparency to claim that something isn't transparent when they obviously don't realize that it's indeed transparent.

I wonder, if I make you a loan in BTC, do you owe me $ value or BTC value?

The "Book Keeping" part of your post is interesting to me. Lots of people think that because the category called "Credit" is called credit that it means more value. It doesn't in my opinion. What is being recorded is debts. You can't purchase something with a debt instrument, which is what USD is. You can't acquire equity in something unless you purchase it with something that has intrinsic value. It is not an accident that the USD is tied to oil. You see you can't carry oil and makes trades with it or acquire equity. That is the plan in my opinion.

Thank you for reminding me that I spent 80% of my day today working to be in possession of debt (paycheck) so I can shuffle (not pay, nor satisfy, nor extinguish) the debt on the house, that in fact is all actually MADE UP DEBT!

Slave driving Ba$%t@rd$!

I told myself I was going to have a nice relaxing evening. Why can't I just ignore all those "monetary" obligations and walk away like Dan Suelo did?

Your emotions are being played and you have not taken control of those yet. Happens over time as the knowledge stops being perceived as weird by the mind the brain than can manipulate it and becomes able to be in control of how you feel. Than and only then will you be able to process emotional. When that happens you need more time, so as to be able to act in your interest.

P.S not trying to rub salt into the wound. It is what it is?

Basically crypto coin value isn't stable enough for loans.

Blockchain is currently the safest technological system in the world. Several banks worldwide want to adapt this technology to their security system since it allows them to make transparent and transactions and reliable

And then a few twitter posts change the value of the whole thing...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Blockchain definitely has more than just a surface meaning..... It has more than what it takes to maintain the process of trustworthy transactions; no wonder it is gaining more grounds presently...... In a few years from now, I see it as one of the ruling technologies

Deep rooted!

yeah you are right, it's all about trust, and we trust block chain technology and we know that, it is the future, many big companies are moving to block chain and it's a big success of block chain!
many more to go!

Blockchain ensures there will be no cheating in all of its transactions, because usually the Customer is always a rigged party. Also, consider the following aspects of Blockchain's advantages:

  1. Transparency for Customer (customer). If the former transactional network behind "showroom" is always hidden to manipulate products to be purchased customer, then with the use of blockchain it will not happen again. Customers can view all parts of the product journey (history), before they decide to buy or the product.
  2. Transparency for Auditors. The history of transactions with unique and eternal blockchain codes, will provide easy access to tracing of lost goods and resources. This can reduce the risk of losses received by our company (business).
  3. Security is assured. Since blockchain has decentralized properties, it is impossible to interfere with any of the processes, which can provide peace to both parties (the Customer and the Company) in making transactions.
    From the above explanation, we can conclude that everything that concerns "money" in the business we run, TRANSPARENCY is the most important aspect and must be done in running any business. @krnel

Trust no one.

Especially not the crypto ponzi.