in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

Why in cryptoTech industry, we are talking about the ecosystem instead of company? If you look at the traditional modus operantis, you will realize that it is still built around a vertical, hierarchical and centralized structure whose power and wealth are controlled at the top of the pyramidal scheme (State, large multinational corporations, international organizations , etc.) where the established mechanism and rules (contracts, agreements, settlement) organically bring 80% of the wealth and value created into the value chain at the top all the time and leaving the people of the base in permanent survival . This model of creation and sharing of value and wealth has existed since the dawn of time. This has become stronger with the wild capitalism which has generated 1% of ultra-rich and selfish people around the world and 99% of people left behind.
Then we started to look how we can solve this problem in different ways. The word economic sharing has emerged by trying to define how we can further organize and share wealth without the majority of people being harmed as usual. This is how information technology like blockchain comes up with a revolutionary innovation whose main goal is decentralization using a distributed registry and the consensus mechanism to validate and secure transactions across the board. network. It is a game changer that will allow the dream of the sharing economy to become a reality by allowing the process of creating and distributing value and wealth to become more transparent to everyone in order to control what is happening. past. But for this to be effective, we need to go through a transition period from the centralized, hierarchical-vertical business model where 1% has power and controls 99% of wealth to more decentralized horizontal structures where wealth is shared more equitably. . We will now talk about the ecosystem with poles of influence. The actual implementation process can take 10 to 100 years since the existing system has been there for a long time and strongly anchored in the habits and customs of both sides of the world, then we all know we are all without exception hostile to change . "We all want change, but we do not want to change" 🤗 🤗


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