Look at the trend of Blockchain developer salary and the demande around the world, it has drastically increased in the last 6 months and this will keep going up.
The other good news is: Who is hiring the Blockchain developer?
you can see any types of forward-thinking companies. There are corporate giants like Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, Visa, Mastercard, Accenture, and Facebook. Even some companies in the automotive industry, including BMW, GM, Ford, and Renault , are looking to hire blockchain developers.
Then some people are still argueing blockchain and cryptoTech are going to collapse soon and we going to pay price, real bullshit 💩 Let see who is going to be paying this price for real in the coming years 🤭
The blockchain revolution is not creating job only for geeks everyone has his own chance to find a new and good job in the ecosystem look at 👆🏾
Yes it's going to destroy many jobs, obviously create more and good one in a fair, transparent and justice framework