Nereus: The Premium Gen-X Gaming Platform!

in blockchain •  7 years ago 


Games have always been a source of recreation for mankind. From ancient Romans who used to indulge in gladiator fights to the current online E gaming platforms, games have evolved beyond anybody's imagination. Nevertheless, one thing that hasn't changed is the human addiction and fantasy for such activity.

The gaming industry which is budding with a plethora of games, is already gaining revenues higher than the Hollywood industry, truly reflecting the human fascination for games. In 2017 the gaming industry crossed 106.5 billion USD and in the coming year it is expected to exceed 112 billion USD!! Unfortunately, as the economies grow, the difficulties of monetizing in-game objects and subsequently transferring value to other game economies has yet to find a safe and secure solution, which leads to black market trading, scamming, and thefts. This situation indicates that a right platform to bring all the online players is the need of time. We need a platform which caters to the choice of the player and his style.

Nereus: The new face of MMORPG and the solution!

According to the much demanding gaming industry, specifically the games involving multiplayer platforms, Nereus is creating a new arena that is surely going to take the market by storm. With a mind boggling capacity of 10,000 new MMORPG subscribers who can join every day, it is really difficult to imagine the quantum of players that will be playing online in a specific timeframe. The platform will have the traditional F2P model along with paid consumables such as immunity boosters, character boosts, rare and unique items etc.

The choice of the player will be paramount on the platform. It will utilize the NEREUSCOIN(NRC) for the trading purpose on the platform. Purchasing a variety of player skin and game items via cryptocurrency or fiat currency is one of the key applications of the platform. By connecting gaming economies with a blockchain token and a dedicated platform, these in-game markets can thrive while providing the users a safe and secure method of transacting.

The token sale and usage:

A crowd sale will take place for the NRC tokens on the website A total of 800,000 NRC tokens are issued, out of which 240,000 tokens will be given out at a discount of 50%. The funds collected through the crowdsale will be used by R&D team for the enhancement of platform and the marketing activities. Design and graphic development which is always a core and integral part of the platform will attract 40% of the funds. 30% will be deployed for ad and marketing activities. To penetrate and tap the foreign markets Nereus invests 15% of the funds and the remaining 10% for the backbone i.e.,technical support. The unsold NRC tokens will be kept for the investors and the Nereus team members & advisors divided in 85% and 15% respectively.


The concept of providing a global arena where gamers can play and trade their favourite game item on one platform is a brilliant concept. The gaming world which has continuously been changing and undergoing metamorphosis is finally finding a worthy addition to it. It remains to be seen how well do they justify with the concept and gamer's expectations. Let's wait and watch as the ball is in their court now!!

Blog by :Lanirm Knayam
BTT Profile:;u=1308391

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