Youthia is a decentralized mobile protocol network for verifiable youth commerce on a secure, public permissioned blockchain hybrid. Strategic youth investments can yield demographic dividends of up to $500 billion per annum. Youthia is tokenizing and thus, liquidating this market, by providing the Youthia Protocol as the base to build applications on the protocol layer. In our case, tokenization is the process of converting the resources from this market into a digital token on a distributed hybrid ledger. The youth economic activity generated by mobile hubs on the protocol network is quantified as a digital token that is issued, sold and traded in blockchain-based verifiable markets. Tokenization allows us to value the market and quantify the value to be monetized. It is digital and is stored on the blockchain, without the need for paper work or intermediaries to handle transactions.
Youthia’s native protocol token, Yth, is undoubtedly the power behind the network. To the Yth degree, or in other words, to the required power of the Yth token, youth economic activity on the network is amplified due to the maximized utility scenarios that allow Yth to be exchanged. In fact, economic activity on its own is mediocre but with the power of Yth, there is an element of scarcity embedded on the network, which inevitably increases the overall value of youth small to medium enterprises. This achieves something very simple. It helps to make economic growth predictable, more structured and benefit those that need it the most – youth entrepreneurs.
Based on ERC-20, YTH complies with the industry standard for smart contracts on the blockchain. The Yth token is highly multipurpose and is closely tied to Youthia’s unique value proposition in addition to every economic aspect of its business model. It is a utility token needed for all components of the Youthia Network Process Flow and its value depends primarily on important network Key Performance Indicators and the metrics of products and services sold on the network. The tokenomics of Yth are modeled around distributed ledger-based financing for the network and ensuring it becomes self-sustaining, self-healing and self-thriving.
At a standard price of $YTH = 0.35, explore the power of Yth by signing up here: