SUQA - Making the Blockchain Grow

in blockchain •  6 years ago 

Blockchain is now a very discussed topic, everyone is talking about him, but in fact in the real sector it is used very rarely. The same applies to the kriptovaljut, only a few top coins actually used by humans as a payment, or for convenience and low cost of remittances. This of course is not what is a negative factor, blokchejna system and kriptovaljut is quite complicated to understand for the layman, so adoption of kriptovaljut will occur slowly. But personally, I'm sure that for a great number of future decentralisation problems that able to solve blokchejn, will gradually be resolved.

SUQA system just aims to show the world the beauty of technology blokchejn. Coin SUQA has unbelievable characteristics. It works on most modern POW X22i algorithm, which is characterized by high transaction speed and good protection against ASIC miners. This algorithm is designed to withstand the maximum production at the asikah and FPGA, obtain SUQA will only conventional CPUs or graphics cards. The algorithm will regularly be updated every six months, to manufacturers of special equipment for mining, were not able to bypass the protection. In short the inside X22i algorithm occurs mixing chains of 22 algorithms, this leads to the fact that the creation of specials. devices for such an algorithm would cost extremely expensive and impractical, but if more the schema is as follows:

Coins SUQA will fly between the addresses at speeds up to 533 transactions per second, which is very cool if you compare even with fast Ethereum with its 14 transactions per second. Block time 2 minutes, and its weight is a whopping 16 MB, so you Will understand the blocks weigh a maximum of 2 MB. As a result of the Commission within the network will be negligible SUQA and practically invisible. Award for "extracted" majneram block and will gradually diminish. 10% of remuneration for the signed blocks will leave the project team, that in turn is obliged to distribute the received profit competently;  

  • 2.2% will spend on advertising and regular bounty campaign to promote the project
  • 2.2% will spend to pay for listing on stock exchanges and for unforeseen expenses
  • 0.5% will be spent on the development and maintenance of Web sites for the entire system of SUQA Fundation
  • 0.1% will spend on legal services
  • 2.5% reward system designers SUQA
  • 2.5% award the whole team SUQA Fundation

Budget distribution described logically and fairly. Note that the project is already working, there is not a small money invested by the project team. All obligations are met in a timely manner, this is not another ICO with empty preposterous promises. Such as SUQA coin very quickly was added on 5 different kriptovaljutnyh exchanges, as well as in the coinmarketcap list, and all of this almost immediately after the start of the project.

SUQA rewards its investors by providing the ability to make deposits, freezing coins for up to 30 days-under 5% per annum. In the first 3 months, the interest rate will be overstated, 25%, this is done to attract early investors and followers of the project. Purse SUQA allows you to easily enumerate the coins at the time blocked addresses, this is useful for example for joint mining with his colleague, withdraw from an address such coins will fail until a certain time.

The most important thing for the success of the coin, it probably find it a real application, so people bought it on stock exchanges and have spent on certain services or products. Team FUNDATION SUQA understands this perfectly and later implements several different solutions. Inside System 3 will be created SUQA site.

The first for the so-called "kriptolanserov", this is the same freelancers only sharpened under blokchejn and crypt. The platform will be a kind of convenient hub, where the employers will interact between themselves and the workers, while everything is transparent, cheaply and without commissions from the platform. Encourage the creation of work is planned on this platform by using the Quarterly contests with big prize money, the most active participants will receive 100 000 SUQA coins at the end of each quarter.

The second site will be created for the conduct of the precarious state in the field of blokchejna. All payments and charges will be made using coins SUQA. Again to stimulate activity each quarter, 5 most active sponsors will receive 100 000 SUQA. 

The third site will specialize in charity, making the entire process open and cheap. At the moment in the area of charity run huge money, but commissions for transfers and fraud, lost a significant portion of the funds. SUQA creates a social network zatochennuju for charity, will stimulate the activity of the same competition. The most lavish parties will be rewarded each quarter. 

Summing up, I would like to point out some good points. The most basic in my opinion is that the project did not hold SUQA ICO and did premajna. This means that the team project, thoroughly vlozhilas money to develop, and hence they maximize to zamotivirovany SUQA became successful. Economics thought fine, monthly campaign bounty quality advanced coin, interest from the GPU-miners, all this will attract a large crypto-community. By the way already at the beginning of his way, social activity at a high level, I've seen a few reviews from top videoblogerov, people became interested in coin. SUQA as I mentioned previously traded on the stock exchanges and 5 is listed Coinmarketcap, coin trading costs 1 SUQA = 140 satosh. 

My subjective assessment of the project is 8 out of 10, I recommend a look at this project, and I probably participate in bounty campaign and going to exchange the coins at the current price . I'm waiting on ' gender through SUQA years see whether I am right or not!? 

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