in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

CONCIËRGE COIN pre ICO LAUNCH .. The intermediate killer!

Creating bespoke travel experiences for everyone….not just the rich. To put it simply a...‘transfer of trust in a trust-less world’.
It will put an end to the global trend of all the power and wealth flowing to a few big centralized intermediates and taking it away from you and the small & medium sized businesses.
CONCIERGE COIN will create true safety and fairness to the travel industry and all internet related business and will give the power back to the people by cutting out the very concept of the middle man. All in an easy to use DApp (Decentralized Application) that a five year old could operate, even if they never heard of cryptocurrency or blockchain.



So what’s the problem?

The world is rapidly evolving; constant technological developments are pushing the average user further away from the ability to be involved, making them more and more dependent on centralized institutions like banks and tour operators, to name but a few.
Thanks to the introduction of Bitcoin in 2008 this hegemony has come to an end and is revolutionizing the way we do business.

Therefore it is essential to bring the revolutionairy power of cryptocurrencies and blockchain to the mass audience, in an easy to use format, allowing the blockchain technology to be accessed by all. Just like it isn’t necessary to understand the workings of an engine in order to drive a car.

Concierge Coin is an open source, decentralized Ethereum based platform which avoids the fees and management costs associated with a.o. traditional online travel companies.

The online travel industry initially proposed to solve all travel problems by bringing connection of buying and selling to one centralized place, yet all this has done is given massive organizations a monopoly in this sector, with their profits ever increasing at the expense of its users. Travel providers are being forced out of business via unfair practices with online platforms charging them anywhere between 35-50% on a single transaction, which due to some new government policies will even increase in the near future.
This is a clear indicator that the middle man needs to be cut out within the travel sector, benefiting both the customer and provider.

Furthermore, Concierge Coin’s blockchain technology allows the decision making and running of any providers to be completely automated, leading to minimizing costs, increased efficiency and quality, while enhancing the buying experience on both ends.
Concierge Coin is set to revolutionize the way we book our holidays, trips and tours, and in the very near future change the way we buy or sell anything online all we will need is the concierge app to assist us getting the best possible deals linked to the blockchain we can trust.



The power behind Concierge Coin is the digital currency which will be easily bought and withdrawn at each side of the transaction. This coin will act as a sustainable way for business to grow and users to get a fair deal without being overcharged by the online the vendor or the intermediate platforms. Its is only concierge coin that will offer full service for any buying and or selling, not just trading! Real use for real transactions!
We not just want this, we need this!

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