This is how revenue is generated in the performers-sourcing industry

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

If you've read our previous article where we talk about how we are changing the entertainment industry, you might ask yourself, but how is this platform going to sustain itself?

Well, you are about to find out.

Lets talk about revenue

As a blockchain platform, we have to think about two things: The human side, which we talk about here & here but also the business side.

When it comes to business, we need to attract both users and investors who are interested in our business model. This is why we have worked on a system that will combine both what talents (Performers such as dancers, singers, models, actors, …) need and what brands & companies need.

Revenue streams

We are looking at 2 ways of bringing in revenue, the classics & the innovative.

— The classics

  • Paid content
  • Advertising
  • Commissions on transactions

— The innovative

  • Reputation-based partnership programs with brands
  • Prosumer marketplace ecosystem
  • Live broadcasting

We explain all of those categories more broadly in our blogpost "Where will the money come from?" So for the sake of keeping the length of this article reasonable we will continue with:

Promoting the in-house economy

Which is our second source of revenue.

In our article about the Skyledger, we talk in more detail on how this economy is made possible. In short, we are basing our platform, on top of an infrastructure that allows us to create our on token (similar to a coin) and have that token generate interest (token-hours) which can be used in our ecosystem to pay (or reduce the costs) of the above revenue streams.

These two sources combined ensure that we have a healthy economy in a prosumer marketplace where brands and talents get rewarded for participating, holding onto our tokens and spending the token-hours (interest).
This is all powered by safe, blockchain technology to ensure no cheaters or abuse of the system can take place and one company helping us with implementing this technology is "Yoyow" — You are your own words.

At the end of the day…

Rounding things up, it can be said that MDL Talent Hub will provide an interesting investment opportunity for individuals and companies from the blockchain & crypto society, and a revolutionizing platform for performers and brands.

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