Floting away from Facebook!

in blockchain •  5 years ago 

Will Facebook ban me before I rage quit, or just censor me into an echochamber forever? Not sure, but either way I'll be moving over to Flote, an alternative social media site. Although I like Steemit's blog style for posting research, I also like Flote's, so I'll continue with Steem as well.


I like some features that Flote has that Steemit (or Facebook) doesn't have like private messenger - it's encrypted so it really is private. I might post original research on Steemit and then link to it on Flote. Whatever flotes my boat, we'll see ;)

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Good luck to you on Flote! Hempy will be semi-retiring soon. I'll still vote for you here, but won't be commenting or posting anymore. Keep smilin' MediKatie :)) <3

I say the more we spread out and find sites we can make our own the better. The sterile purge of any sort of real opinions on mainstream social media is not worth the "attention" we seek from it. Lets move on from likes and make more meaningful connections online with like minded people that's what it should all be about

Yes, spreading out is good. I have to admit, having all videos on one website was pretty handy. It was also amazing how just the participation of billions of people almost anything you could want to watch or listen to was on youtube, just because people love uploadin their own content or make lyric videos. People's desire for music videos and lyric videos made almost any song available instantly. I almost started taking it for granted...now it's gonna be a timewarp to have to actually buy (or download) every single song you want to listen to other than just catching it on the radio.

It's like Napster in 1997! Like YouTube in 2007! Like Steem in 2017!
The good ol' days are back again!

lol yeah remember Steem way back in 2017? ;) I miss the you in youtube. I also miss msn, but I'm too young for Napster haha. I wish there was all the content there is on the internet now but with the freedom back.