[Video Interview] Daniel Larimer: Philosophy Of The BlockChain

in blockchain •  9 years ago  (edited)

Today we begin by discussing the philosophy of #blockchain technology and then where it can take us?

BitShares TV was a project we ran for a while, and was used to explain the platform, the abilities of Proof of Stake technology, and the beauty of the BitShares blockchain.

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What a pleasure to hear Dan so eloquently explain his philosophy of the blockchain. My question is: what is the practical possibility of the future he paints given that government violence is the origin of politicians' power?

Depends on so many variables. Fact is though, if you take financial leverage away, they only have physical left to use.

The problem with that is they will use it. Power is their value, violence is their currency. But hopefully, when they do so, the cupboard is bare.

Just watched this again, I forgot how good it was!