Humanity from the very beginning of its existence sought to improve their lives, make it more comfortable. Appeared tools, fire and more with the passage of time. All these funds allowed a person to feel more comfortable, to realize their plans and become freer.
With the advent of the Internet, the possibilities of humanity have significantly increased, the mechanism of interaction between people has changed. The Internet has led to huge changes in all spheres of human life. This also affected the banking sector. There were systems VISA, SWIFT.
Later, it became possible to make transactions via the Internet using PayPal. But progress does not stand still and all areas need to be developed and improved. As practice shows, the banking structure has some shortcomings.
Among the main shortcomings - long-term transfers from one person to another, high commission for transfers. And despite the long existence of this system failures occur.
An example of this is June 1, 2018. When at once in the countries of Europe and Great Britain there began to be failures of the system and refusals in payment for many clients of the VISA system. Even more inconvenience was caused by the fact that it happened on Friday, when people are planning or are starting to spend their weekend. A similar case was in late April 2018 in Russia. As we see, this is not an isolated case. All this speaks about the need for modernization of this sphere.
The World Bit Bank project implements crypto-financial technologies in the banking system. This will improve the system of remittances. The use of crypto-financial technologies will allow World Bit Bank to make money transactions much faster and with minimal costs.
World Bit Bank introduces blockchain technology into the translation system. It created its own platform tokens called Wibcoin. This token is intended for all transactions within the platform. Another important component of this project is a mobile application. It will be called WBB Wallet. It is through it that all financial operations will be carried out.
World Bit Bank received permission to work with crypto-currency. The permit includes the possibility of virtual exchange of crypto-currencies and the provision of virtual wallet services.
As far as I know, attempts have already been made to make crypto-currency the usual way of payment in everyday life, but so far no special success has been achieved.
Most often, people store their crypto-currency at a crypto-exchange. In this case, there were many cases when such exchanges were closed. This suggests that people do not have confidence in the safety of their assets, and therefore, there is no control over them. If you store the crypto-currency in your wallet, you can store only one crypto-currency on one purse. So if a person has many types of coins, you have to download a purse for each coin and sometimes wait for the synchronization of each individual purse. World Bit Bank understands these problems, and strives to provide users with access to all assets of the crypto-currency market.
For this, a mobile application was developed. It's called WBB Wallet. This application allows you to merge the World Bit Bank payment card and Wibcoin tokens. Payment from the card is carried out in the crypto-currency. This allows you to pay for purchases by various crypto-currencies, for example, BTC, ETH.
Kira needs to buy lipstick for $5. To do this, she can use the World Bit Bank payment card. In the WBB Wallet settings, it is possible to use various crypto-currencies. For example, Kira wants to pay for a purchase in ETH. During the payment, a request is made to the exchange about the current cost of ETH and verification of the presence of ETH in the wallet. If the number of tokens is sufficient, then payment is made. The application immediately displays the transaction with all details.
Thus, World Bit Bank allows you to pay cryptic currency anywhere in the world using the WBB wallet.
Road map:
Conclusion: This project is able to make crypto currency the usual means of payment. Thanks to this, many people will trust the crypto currency more and start using it.
ANN thread:
My bitcointalk account:;u=149923
My ETH wallet: 0x37D0420dD14bD771bB765B8deF36F0142D97ec9F